chapter eleven

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Xiao POV

I was sitting alone in Ganyu's room just looking around. I felt bad for just barging out of the dining room like that but i was too overwhelmed and let my emotions get the best of me. Hopefully i wasnt too mean or whatever it was. The twins seemed to notice that something was off. Maybe someone told them, which i didnt really mind. They both seemed nice enough to keep it hidden. But should i mind? It was my personal business after all. but it was whatever to me, at the end of the day i really dont care. So i decided to lay down and just scroll on my phone. I didnt really care if they came to talk to me or not. If anything it was probably gonna be ganyu since shes always worrying, but it doesnt matter to me if someone cares or not. I like being alone anyways. When suddenly i heard foot steps but i decided to ignore them. I was thinking about venti, should i tell him about what i did? I dont even know if we're close enough to say something like that. What if i just worried him more. I do however enjoy his company, i know i do. I just always feel relaxed whenever he's around me.

At the table i pulled away from him only because i didnt want him to feel the bandages or anything. i wasnt gonna risk that. It did make me a little more relaxed about everything since i could tell he cared, but of course i just ended up shutting down and leaving. i didnt want to, i wanted to just stay and pretend like it was all okay but my emotions got the better of me. I was deep in thought when i heard the door opening. I sat up quickly saying "What now ganyu?" expecting to see ganyu but to my surprise it was just venti. He gave me a soft smile and said in a happy tone "Its your favorite person" i looked at him and just stared. I again didnt know what to say so i just said "Oh" He then walked towards me and sat next to me, he faced my direction and asked "Xiao, is everything good?" I looked at him and saw his stare. The way he looked at me was calming. his eyes were gentle and warm. I quickly said "Oh, yeah im okay" looking back down at my lap since i didnt wanna stare too much. Venti then said "You sure everythings good? im here for you whenever." Do i tell him? I couldnt tell him. Or could i? I felt like i could trust him with this. I started off by saying "Im just-" i paused. I cant tell him, i wont tell him ever. It just felt embarrassing to me.

I know theres nothing embarrassing about it, it's serious and can be dangerous but i just felt guilt and ashamed for everything ive done. I couldnt hurt anyone else with my burdens. "Im just having a bad day" i said looking up at him to see him staring at me already. "If anything's wrong i am here. Dont worry though! Everything will be okay besides we have tomorrow. You can just relax for the weekend." He said smiling to me. I looked at him and gave him a small smile which seemed to make him smile even more. His hand reached for mine and i didnt pull away. For once i felt at peace, i felt reassured that everything was gonna be okay. I knew this was gonna last for a little but it felt good to just dream for a bit. He places his hand on mine and then i said "U done packing?" trying to lighten the mood. "Hmmmm almost, Imma head home to finish." He said looking to check the time. It was now 6:55 and the sun was going down. "We need roomates" venti said. "You should definitely be mine, you'll love being stuck with me" he said giving me a smile and a slight push with his shoulder. "more like i'll hate it" i replied. That obviously wasnt true, i dont hate his company at all.

"But sure, i'll room with you." i ended up saying. He smiled at me and laughed a little. "They always say yes" he said with a wink when suddenly the door opened. Zhongli and Ganyu both entered the room looking at us. Venti gently let go of my hand and stood up. "Imma get going!" He said to us. "Oh i was actually going to offer xiao a ride back home. You can come along if you want." Zhongli said. I nodded at him and venti also agreed. We all said our good byes to Ganyu, Venti gave her a big hug and said he was excited for tomorrow. "Oh yeah! i'll text everyone what time to be here." We nodded and finally left, getting into zhongli's car. I sat infront with zhongli and was looking at venti a little bit in the mirror. He seemed peaceful and just so gentle.

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