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The only reason why I was able to help her escape was because of Dr. Kim.

I was walking out of the bathroom after retouching my lipstick and making sure my hair still looked good. I had been working for ten hours at that point, but I still wanted to look as if I wasn't exhausted. Then I stepped out of the bathroom and accidentally bumped into Dr. Kim. I quickly gave him an apologetic look and even let my head bow a little.

"I'm so sorry, Dr. Kim!"

"Oh...Dr. Wong." His eyes seemed distant as worry lingered on his expression. He then realized what just happened and his eyes found mine. I was nervous he was going to get mad at me again. I keep embarrassing myself in front of him. But he only said, "You are close with Dr. Nam, right?"

"Yes," I said with a hint of relief. "Are you looking for her?"

"Yes." He seemed almost nervous to continue speaking, but he gently shook his head to say, "I was just a little worried about her."

This time I got worried and furrowed my brows at him. "What happened? Is she okay?"

"Yes. I was watching her surgery and she lost that patient. I recommend you talk to her when you have time because she--"

He didn't need to continue. I know where this was going. I just wanted to find her before she faded away somewhere on her own. So I gave him a quick nod and said, "Thank you for letting me know. Where is she now?"

"I think she had to meet with someone in the cafeteria. If she needs anything, please let me know."

"Of course. Have a good rest of your night, Dr. Kim."

I didn't look back or wait for him to respond. My heart began to get nervous as I went into the elevator. I wondered if she was meeting with the patient's family. I could imagine how hard it must be to talk to them. It always is.

Instead, I find her talking with that freak.

I stopped at the side entrance when I saw the familiar brown bangs and wavy hair, but my worry turned into surprise when I saw him there. He took her hand and I could tell her muscles tensed immediately. My heart began to race as I recognized the clenching of her jaw trying hard to push back tears. When she looked down in shame, that was when I entered without hesitation and got her out of there as quickly as possible.

I held her close after that. I watched her cry again for a person who did not understand the beauty of her happiness. I watched a person push the sword even more through her heart. My heart ached to see her so devastated. To hear those words...

The last time she cried so sorrowfully was in college for him...

She hasn't cried like this not even for past patients she has lost. But having Joey over and be stupid along with her losing a patient was too much for her.

My sweet girl. I feel for her. I hate to see her upset when she has such a pretty smile. She should be walking around in her cute semi-formal outfits and that proud shine in her brown eyes.

Before making my rounds on the Pediatrics floor, I knock on Leanne's office door. I peek in and see that she is at her desk looking through her computer as if nothing has happened a few days ago. I give her a warm smile and walk in with a cup of tea in one hand.

"I brought you some tea."

She gives me a thankful smile and nods. "Thank you, dear."

"How are you feeling, girl?"

"I'm okay," she says with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Did you work yesterday? I took the day off."

"I did notice you were gone. I'm glad you got to rest."

She does a small chuckle. "It sucks Emma wasn't around much. She's been so busy with your patient. But I got to spend some time with Kayla. She had a competition yesterday."

"Oh, how wonderful! How did she do?"

"She did amazing like always."

"Just like her older sister."

She shakes her head with a small smile. I am glad that she seems better. While it must still hurt, at least I can see that cute little smile again. "I'll see you around. Someone is insisting on seeing me in the emergency room."

"Even when we're older, you are still so popular," Leanne says with a playful smile.

"Ha! I wish. Have a good day, love!"

With one last sweet wave, I walk down the hallways and enter the chaotic room. I make sure not to get in anyone's way and give my warm nods to nurses who recognize me. I get ready to greet whoever is so eager to see me as I go into a quieter section where people are checking in.

I see a woman from afar. She seems angry and I quickly push my nerves away to approach the situation. The nurse tries to stop her when she tries to walk inside but stops when I arrive.

It is Mrs. Valdez.

"Good afternoon!" I say. "Is everything okay?"

Mrs. Valdez gives me furious eyes as she points at me. "You! How dare you report us!" My heart drops and my eyes grow wide, but she continues to come closer to me. I take fearful steps back as she says, "You have no right to look into our lives! Your only job is to be a doctor and look after children!"

The security comes as she takes my arm. I am pushed back and protected by a nurse as the security holds on tight to her arm. She tries to fight out of his hold but continues to yell. "You will regret being nosy! I'm going to sue you! If I have to speak to your boss, I will!"

I am left stunned. I am fearfully speechless and I feel as if my veins are running cold as I watch the security kick her out. Other patients look at the scene with curiosity and surprise. I can't even look at them and give them a reassuring smile. All I can do is walk back inside and push through the questions of coworkers as I get out of the emergency room.

I run back to the elevator. I run to safety as I hold in a sob.

I find myself going back to Leanne's office. Thankfully, she does not have a meeting because I enter without knocking. She looks up from her desk with wide eyes at my arrival of panic. But I begin to hyperventilate and only say, "Help me. I'm getting sued. She's going to end my career! What have I done?"

"What?!" Leanne quickly gets up and takes my arms. She tries to make me concentrate on her as she says, "Calm down. Breathe. You're safe. No one's going to hurt you."

"She came...she was yelling! She wanted to fight me!"

"Who? Who did?!"

"Mrs. Valdez! She's coming for me!"

Leanne finally realizes what I'm talking about and brings me into a hug. Finally, I let out the sob I had been holding in and this time she rubbed her hand on my back for comfort.

"It'll be okay. You're going to be okay. I promise."

I sniffled and tried to convince myself that I was okay. But like always, she gives me the solution to my problem almost immediately as she pulls away and her determined eyes burn through me. "Call my sister. Tell her what happened. She won't let you fall."

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