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"Farleigh, got any cigs? Shit, I left mine."

OLIVIA WESTON'S VOICE could be heard in one of Oxford University's many lecure halls during an English tutorial.

"I admire your audacity to smoke in the middle of class. You know that, Liv?"

Farleigh Start mused, pulling out a small cigarette box to slide over 2 of them onto her desk before shoving the Marlboros back into his bag.

"Yeah, well when you have money like me - you can do whatever the fuck you want, Farleigh."

What Olivia really meant was being the daughter of Richard Weston, one of the biggest film and television producers in London came with its perks.

Her Father had worked on the sets of many cinema classics, he was also one of Oxford University's main donors - teachers would look the other way when it came to Olivia.

"You're a cunt, Liv."

The curly haired boy muttered playfully, only half-paying attention to Mrs Ford's lecture on the etymology behind terms used by Shakespeare.

Olivia's cherry red lips curled into a smirk, lipstick matching her maroon sweater.

Farleigh watched her flick the baby pink lighter before taking a sharp pull from the cigarette.

"You and your partner will be giving a 4 minute presentation on the Shakespeare play, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

Keep in mind that this presentation will be worth 10% of your final grade for the Shakespeare module we've done this semester.

The due date is no later than June 8th. Late submissions shall be penalized."

Feeling unusually nervous, he leaned in closer to her over the desk, the brunette glancing back up at him when he tapped on her shoulder.

"Wanna partner up?" Farleigh offered.

"Sure, 'Leigh. Now you owe me a round at the King's Arms."

"Fine. Drinks on me, Liv."

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