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FELIX CATTON STOOD tall in the centre of the circle of friends, but then again he was 6 ft. 5 after all, what else was a guy like him supposed to do?

The sleeves of his blue sweater were rolled up, his pierced eyebrow raised in curiosity as he saw Farleigh walking into The King's Arms with a slim brunette girl at his side.

"Felix! What's up with that look, you accidentally finger another cousin of yours?"

He laughed as Felix got up from his booth just to firmly shove his side, nearly knocking him right back into Olivia.

"Christ, Farleigh, look where you're going next time! And, hey Liv." Felix leaned down to give her a hug.

His voice was laced with sarcasm, making Olivia softly giggle. "Don't mind him, Liv. Felix is just mad we know about his cousin kink,"

"Olivia." She corrected, knowing it would annoy Farleigh to disregard her nickname in front of everyone else.

"Liv here's got a bit of bullshit syndrome," Farleigh glanced over at her.

"Farleigh, you're literally dyslexic. It's a miracle you lasted in Oxford this long in the first place," Olivia fired back.

"I see Liv is still the same old sweetheart," Felix commented as he took a sip from his bottle of beer.


The curly-haired boy chuckled, running a hand through them, those majestic curls.

Olivia wasn't a racist or anything, but she certainly wouldn't mind pulling on that Farleigh fro.

"Looks like you've met your match in Olivia, mate." Felix chimed in with a laugh, clasping his shoulder.

"Speaking of, where are those drinks at 'Leigh?" Olivia smirked, Farleigh rolled his eyes but his smile never faltered.

"You're lucky you're my favorite,"

He muttered before going to pay for 1 round worth of Vodka shots, along with Olivia's favorite Strawberry cocktail.


A female voice called, belonging to Felix's sister Venetia. "Venetia! Hey, how are you?"

Farleigh soon returned to the booth with the promised alcohol, caught off guard when Olivia planted a kiss on his cheek, staining his caramel skin with her red lipstick.

"Thanks, 'Leigh!"

"You're still a cunt, Liv."

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