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FARLEIGH SLOWLY STARTED to pick up on Olivia's blatant microaggressions, beginning to feel more like a fetish than an actual boyfriend.

He chalked it up to him reading too deeply into things she'd say or comments she'd make in passing about other Black or Biracial students at Oxford.

Things came to a total standstill at Oliver's birthday party hosted by Felix on the now infamous weekend.

"So, what do you think?"

Farleigh asked, playfully posing as he showed off his costume, holding up the stuffed Donkey head for her to see.

"Fruit Loop, you look...great."

Olivia grimaced, unable to hide the visible embarrassment written on her face.

"Wow, 'Liv. Thanks. I'm really feeling the love."

He replied, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Giving herself a once-over in the mirror, she was satisfied with her fallen Angel costume.

A dark grey vintage Versace gown worth someone's rent, paired with a custom-made golden crown and black wings.

"You look gorgeous though."

Farleigh added with a smirk, draping an arm around her shoulder as they descended the spiral staircase to the first floor of Saltburn where Felix and Venetia were waiting for the couple.

"Hurry up, Christ! Can we save the pictures for when we get to the fucking party?"

Cigarette smoke wafted with Felix's irritated words, Venetia had pulled out her digital camera to snap pictures of everyone's costumes.

"Relax, Felix. It's not the Queen's Ball."

Farleigh chuckled, the group filing into the Catton family chauffeur's car. The venue was packed, students that Oliver had never even seen before filled the lively space.

"Ollie, get over here mate!"

Felix called out, ruffling the blue eyed boy's hair despite his protests. "Have you been drinking already?" Oliver chuckled.

Farleigh noticed Olivia was being standoffish, shooting down his every advance and attempt at PDA.

"Liv, what the fuck is your problem tonight?"

He spat, becoming increasingly annoyed with his girlfriend. The brunette merely took a sip from her wine glass, letting out a soft huff when Farleigh pulled her out into the Garden.

"Why are you all up in my shit, 'Leigh? You're not my Dad!"

Olivia fired back, resulting in a dry laugh from the taller man towering over her.

"Shit, I bet you wouldn't be scared to let your own Father fondle your pathetic tits in public before me."

His brown eyes appeared darker, colder even. The usually sweet Farleigh Start she'd known had long disappeared.

A wave of fear washed over her, Farleigh's body language bordered on manic as he pulled on the strands of his own afro repeatedly until it hurt.

"Farleigh....you don't mean that-"

"Oh, but I do. Was I just some fucking poor little black boy pity project to use for the Summer so you could soothe your huge ego?

You don't know how to love, Liv! All you do is destroy, destroy everyone and everything in your path while loving every second of it!"

He yelled, a shaking hand gripped at her throat with enough force to make Olivia stumble back into the brick wall.

"What now? Are you gonna hit me next? Isn't that all you negroe boys do? Beat and rape women, right?"

She mused, a smile quirking at her pouty lips. "Fuck you, Olivia! You sick white bitch!"

Farleigh snapped, his breaking point reached, all he could see was red as he bashed her head against the wall until a gash formed on the back of her head.

Her once luscious brown curls turned a dark matted red shade, blood splattered all over the bricks and pavement after he dropped his hold on her throat with a thud.

Perhaps he really was another statistic now, killing his own partner without a second thought.

Farleigh still couldn't find a single fuck to give, the sirens and flashing red and blue lights brought him comfort.


Nobody fucks with Farleigh Start.

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