drunk words, sober thoughts~

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i had just assumed König needed to go to the bathroom cause he had stayed in the bathroom after Ghost practically pulled me out of there.. he seemed in a rush too, i knew König wasn't a threat but ghost seemed reluctant, strange.


it comes to the end of the night and Ghost offered to drive me back to base so i wasn't squished by a bunch of huge drunk soldiers, he'd managed to carry my short drunk ass through four hallways a corridor and down a flight of stairs without dropping me. he got me to my room and in bed, placing me down comfortably before complaining that i want a shower. we both know damn well i cant stand on my own let alone fully properly wash myself.. he looks at me and sighs before going to the kitchen to get me aspirin and ice water. he puts the tv on for background noise and sits in the chair at my desk waiting for me to sober up a bit. once i can stand on my own i walk over to the bathroom and shove the door shut with my foot, not looking back to check if its actually shut. i start to undress after i turn the shower on as hot as it will go, i get in and let the water run through my hair when i feel eyes lingering behind me. i smirk but don't turn around, he doesn't need to know i can tell he's staring..


i get out of the bathroom and look over at my desk where he was originally sitting and my face instantly turns to a frown as i realise he's not there anymore.. did he go to his own dorm? kitchen? prices office..? "Y/N.." i hear his deep voice and thick accent behind me, i gasp and spin around and he's sitting on the end of my bed with his mask just over the tip of his nose.. im only wearing boxers and an oversized shirt and i can tell he likes that. he grabs my wais and pulls me towards him.


im sorry i havent been posting:3 ive had the worse writers block and only today did i decide to try get over it.. ive also been dealing with new years and my birthday was two days ago so STRESS!!!!

i promise after this chapter i will try to post 1-2 a week! its just that i dont find the time to get on my laptop, its a struggle. im also deaking with mental issues but my mind is so melted that my obsession for ghost helps :,) also my husband has been my number one supporter and therapist!


-author (K)💋💜~

My unknown addiction. (S.G.R x Y/N x König Series.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora