"K.I.A..? negative." (The mission pt.2)

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CW: mention of r@pe, abu5e, mention of drvgs.

I begin to nod off, feeling exhausted when I hear the helo in the distance. I grab the flare from my backpack and light it, signalling to price our location.


Nik gets the helo as low as he can before price jumps from it to help me clip to the rope and get up to get warm. After he clips me in he asks me with a weary tone "K.I.A..?" My answer calming more nerves than you'd think "negative."

After price had clipped ghost to me and we got in the helo safely price went to find our car and drive home. It only took a few hours by helicopter, not having to make cuts and turns with roads and stuff.
being the medic and the only one with ghost when it had happened I sat there for an hour writing stuff down. Small details and all the wounds I knew about just to make the doctors life a bit easier.


Simon had been on bed rest for three weeks till his bullet wounds started to heal properly, except they didn't exactly.. the shot wounds on his chest and in his lower abdomen were fine and finally starting to heal but the one on his hip got badly infected.. meaning he had to stay in bed for longer.

I went to visit him last Wednesday but seeing as being stuck in a bed in a shitty hospital room isn't very fun the best option is to sleep. He was napping and I sure as shit wasn't gonna wake him up just to talk to him. Yes he told the doctors he really wanted to see me but yes he had been in a mood since a few days after he was told he had to stay in bed longer and I had no place making it worse.

I left a note and a braided string bracelet which I knew would end up lost in his pocket cause never in a million years would Simon Riley be caught dead wearing a bracelet.


I've been training real hard. It's been two months since I went to see ghost when he was asleep.. he's been trying get about but he needs to relearn the ways of walking. I'm a general which was barely an upgrade, more like a cut in line. It takes years to go from sergeant to general and I did it in two months... could it be cause 141 doesn't have enough generals? Or something else.

who the fuck knows.

i cry, every single goddamn night. i cry because even though i have my ranking and know where i stand, i still dont know what im worth.. i feel like i dont deserve my rank, like i havent proved my worthy of having such a high rank and it makes me feel incredibly like shit. i shared an intimate night with my lieutenant. it confuses me, im a worthless lowlife sergeant who doesnt know what her next step is 24/7 did he use me for his own pleasure and then throw me away like a used tissue? no, he couldnt have.. hes so nice to me yet cold to others, and hes risky about it. almost like he doesnt care about getting caught as long as im the one he gets caught with.

ive decided that me and ghost going our separate ways was the best idea for the moment cause of the amount of trouble he could get in if we got caught. i met a new recruit, hes nice.. and hot, really really fucking hot. hes always around whenever im not locked in my room writing or drawing, always making sure i was hydrated, had eaten, had enough sleep. he was always checking on me and i honestly loved it..

"Y/N you got a sec?"

"i always do."

"right, haha"

"so whats up jay? did you need something..?"

"oh, uhh.. yeah. i was wondering if you wanted to go out some time."

"id love to, hey ill talk to you later and we can plan something okay?"

"yeah, no."



i woke up in a strange room in a bed, naked, confused, covered in bruises and it was dark outside the window. i looked around the room for a clock, it read 5:21AM. my first thought after starting to calm down was, 'what happened, why am i naked, where am i?' and then my mind wondered back to standing in the hall with jay, then my mind went black and i woke up naked in a strange bed and room covered in marks.

i closed my eyes to try and think of what happened when the bathroom door swung open and jay stood in the doorframe in nothing but a towel, water droplets running down his abdomen still. "j-jay.. why am i here? what happened..?" i struggle to speak properly, my throat being sore probably from 'sleeping' with my mouth open. he chuckled and walked over to me, grabbing my chin to look up at him "dont you remember? i invited you back to my room, we smoked some weed popped a few pills and then you were adamant on sleeping with me.. and i always give a pretty girl what she asks for." he smiles before bending down to kiss me "but i dont.. i cant remember anything from when you first asked me out to when i woke up a minute ago. im assuming seeing as im naked we did have.. intercourse" i say slower than intended "oh yeah, hell yeah.. you were all over me, we went a few rounds then you said you were tired and told me you didnt care what happened while you were asleep. you also seemed to have a lot of kinks, biting, spanking, choking, probably more but thats a blur, hence the bruises." he explained before sitting down in bed next to me, "no.. see that doesnt sound anything like me.. did we atleast use contraception?!" i say, confusion clear in my tone.

"no, no we didnt. and i dont give a fuck what you think sounds like you, what i just said is the story and if anyone asks thats what your gonna tell them." he said with a slight growl in his voice. "im going home." i mutter before standing up and grabbing my clothes off the floor, putting them on and opening the door to his room. "you sure you dont wanna stay for more?" he smirks and i slam his door shut.


i went to my room, showered and got dressed into clean gear and went down to the training field. i went to the furthest away boxing back and didnt even care about gloves or boxing wrap, i just went straight at it and let me tell you the second i started i knew i wasnt gonna stop till bone was showing, getting the weight off my chest through boxing was perfect. i thought about every word that jay had said when i woke up, ghost was the first person id really done anything with and i highly doubt- "Y/N!" soap yells from 20 feet away, i have headphones in and im more focused on my thoughts. i feel someones hand on my shoulder before i flinch and turn around.. i take an airpod out and smile at soap who had run over to me. "hey soa-" "Y/N your hands are bleeding everywhere, what the fuck. didnt you notice??" soap interrupted me. "oh.. no, i didnt even realise, i was lost in thought, what did you need?" i say still smiling "well first fucking off you need to go get your hands checked, and second ghost is all healed, he was released an hour ago, been looking for you.

'what the actual fuck is going on today?' i thought


i know how unexpected this is especially with me bringing in a new character so suddenly.. :3 ill probably get impatient and write the next chapter tonight and then save it to drafts but idk, its 6AM and i havent slept a wink- ANYWAYS.

*jay is a character made by the author*

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