definite decisions (the mission pt.3)

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soap had insisted on taking me to the medic to get my hands sorted out before i saw ghost, and that honestly made me happy.. not the fact that soap cared about my hands but the fact that i didnt have to see ghost as soon as if i didnt.

i walked toward the cafeteria, soap following. i feel eyes linger on me so i turn around and find soap staring at my ass. "fuck are you doing johnny?" i whisper yell "i- Y/N i wasnt looking at your ass! (this time). i mean, you do have a great ass but.. lass you know theres bruises from top to bottom on your body ive been noticing over time..?" he says whispering the this time part even though i can hear him. "first off, ew. second off, if simon finds out you stare at my ass he will kick yours and third off dont fucking worry about it." i growl and start walking again "keep up sergeant" i shout. making him jump and speed up. "mention them to ghost and ill fuck you up mactavish, big time."


i walk into the cafeteria with soap and immediately spot simon shoving a shitload of food into his mouth, seeing as he had to eat hospital food for almost three months. he spots me as soon as i walk through the door and i walk up to him to shake his hand, hes not the physical type so fuck hugs.. until he stands up and pulls me into a tight long hug, smelling my hair, neck, shirt.. everything. "you never came to visit me.. well except that one time i was asleep." he says muttering the last few words as he holds his wrist out, showing hes wearing the bracelet i made him..

"johnny, price wants you." ghost speaks harshly before looking down at him then the door, "fuck he want this time?!" soap groans then turns around and starts walking like hes highly offended. "how bout you help me out a little bit.. you owe it to me for not coming to see me." he chuckles after i reply with, "help you out with what? ive done too much fucking work recently.. jesus being a general is hard." i sigh then look up at him to be stared back at by his wide shocked eyes "what?! what happened..? are you okay?" i spurt out in worry that somethings happened. "your a general...?" he whispers just loud enough for me to hear "uhh.. yeah- did you not know that? i assumed the nurses would have told you-" i whisper back "its not THAT big a deal.. so, what did you want help with.?" i smile up at him and watch his shocked expression soften, "a shower.. man i need a shower. i was wondering if you could get the places i cant reach.. only if you want to though! no pressure." he explains and i just stand there and smile, of coarse ill help you shower sweethear- lieutenant.." i smirk then giggle.

he grabs my hand and pulls me toward his room, which has been untouched for two months.. seeing as for the first month simon was in the hospital i slept in his room to try feel better, but ofcoarse his scent everywhere just made it worse. "hey uh.. can we have the lights off.. or maybe if you just stay turned around....? its hard to explain why i just-" "you have no need to be ashamed for anything or embarrassed, i mean- fuck youve had my head and other stuff in between your legs and everywhere else on your body more than once so." he cuts me off to explain that theres really no need "i- okay.." i huff and pull my shirt of facing the mirror as simon stands behind me, revealing to him not even half of the bruises that i got from jays sick game the other night. "wh- i.. what the fuck??" he stutters in huge shock, he was abused as a child by his shitty dad and he put up with it.. but never ever would he let anyone he loved get hurt. i watched this man go through 5 stages of emotion in under a minute... at first he was shocked.. broken almost at the sight of his only love, his last person be under pain. then he cried, not full on sobbing on the ground but he shed tears with a straight face, enough to soak the entire bottom half of his mask. he then moved onto hyperventilation and disbelief, only lasting a very short while maybe 8 seconds tops. staging over to planning payback before he even knew who did it, he was red hot.. and looked like he was ready to torture people. everything in his brain disintegrated and by then the only thing he knew was cold rage. pure cold broken rage. patience and care were nowhere to be found in his eyes. he picked me up and walked me to his bed, softly throwing me on it and telling me to stay before storming out of his room to make someone pay.. i get up and run to his door, not being able to listen and also realising he doesn't know what happened or who did it.

"simon! wait!" i yell running down the hall behind him, in just the sports bra i was wearing under my shirt, "you dont even know who did it..!" i shout making him come to a halt "who Y/N? tell me wh-" "Lt?... Y/N? whats goin on and why arent you wearing a shir- are those bruises??" he says softly


A/N - i didnt wanna finish this chapter so early but i NEED to upload this now or ill forget and leave it for another three weeks-next part is coming soon😅😩 (this is the end of the 'the mission')

ill post the next few chapters as soon as i can.. ive just been unmotivated and i keep getting on and off writers block and its bullshit!!!

i love you guys<3 (the 7 ppl that read this book😂❤️)

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