Triangles and trust~

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CW⚠️: thr33some to eventual f0ursom3, smut, degradation, kinks, blood.

A/N~ I am writing this chapter on my phone cause I can't be bothered getting my laptop so bare with me😃
Also I am gonna try make this one a long one!!😭 make up for the last chapter🥴


Simon trusts me, I know he does.. but there are times where I can scare him enough that he will just give me my space when really I want the opposite but don't have the mental energy to say so.
I know he's scared right now, who wouldn't be.. and not only is he scared but he's also pissed.
I met ghost, but fell inlove with Simon, and the man standing behind me is trying really hard to decide who to be right now, love and support or backup strength, but right now is one of those moments I'm gonna get overrun and he's going to back off.

"I want you to suffer, feel real pain. You wanna pretend your a man you can get beat like a man, with the anger my tiny body holds I'm sure I could beat you to a pulp with my bare fucking hands but I have two very big very strong men behind me. One of them is my lover whom isn't happy about the fact that I've had another man's hands force their way onto me and the other one is my best friend who would do anything I ask of him. Considering the things you put me through I don't think too much pain is quite enough. I can either go through overstimulation and hurt you whilst I hurt myself or I can sit back and watch those two hurt you. The choice is yours, after I've fucked you up we're gonna take you to price, he can deal with you and as I've said before I'm his daughter on the field so he is not going to be happy. I also have connections with KorTac that I'm sure don't mind getting their hands dirty, or maybe you could get sent over there to be kept an eye on. Am I clear?" I'm not one for talking but shit that felt good to get off my chest..

" fuck yourself." He really just spat on my shoe. Filthy cunt! Simon walks towards him before he changes his tone and says "crystal clear.." is he scared of Simon? Maybe so.. that's a good advantage.

I pull my phone out of my cargos pocket and call someone. They pick up after a while and they are breathing heavy. "Sorry, I was working out.. what's up Liebling?" That's right, you guessed it I called König, "ein Rekrut hat mich angegriffen, während ich schlief, und es stellte sich heraus, dass er auch mit der anderen Frau hier geschlafen hat. Sie ist im Badezimmer eingesperrt und versucht, sich von uns fernzuhalten,und jay schluchzt auf dem Boden vor mir, ich bin mit Geist und Seife, aber ich habe mich gefragt, ob sie lochzellen haben oder wo jay aufbewahrt werden kann, damit jemand ein Auge auf ihn haben kann und er zur Arbeit gebracht werden kann. Ich will nicht, dass er länger in meinem Blickfeld ist, als er sein muss, und er kann nicht juristisch behandelt werden, weil ich ihm irgendwie eine scheißlandung angedroht habe" no one has ever witnessed me speak so much German like ever, not even König.. he's is furious and from what I can hear he's already on the way in his car. That's gonna be fun to watch..


I offered to help Simon wash the blood off in the shower, we were both drenched in blood, head to toe. I washed him first, took a bit of convincing but I told him that after he was clean he could take as long as he wanted touching me and cleaning me and that seemed to do the trick, soap is in his room showering and I said König could shower in the spare bathroom down the hall, no one uses it.
We were both clean and we knew that but we planned on staying in the shower longer, can't remember the last time we had sex.. god I missed him. He picked me up gently but kissed me rough and passionately how I like it, I've never been one for thinking about slow tender sex.. seems weird to me, don't know why.

I've missed having his hands run up and down my body, touching me in places I didn't even know I liked to be touched, tracing every scar on my body, normally I'd freak out but I love it, the feeling I've craved for longer than I'd like to admit finally later out infront of me, he'd lifted me up a bit higher and pushed me back down onto him, I let out a rather extreme moan and I'm sure soap heard it through the wall, poor guy. 

My unknown addiction. (S.G.R x Y/N x König Series.)Where stories live. Discover now