grave mistake

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Fuck knows how long I slept the next morning but the second I woke up I was greeted by Simon's beautiful smile, my favourite thing ever.

"Good morning gorgeous"

"Morning love"

"Sleep well"

"Incredibly, like a baby"


"I need water"

"I'll get it, I don't think you'll be happy when you try stand and find out you can't. Remember anything from last night?" he smirks down at me.

"Last night? No what happened last night." I'm just fucking with him, I remember. Fuck I mean my whole body is aching because of last night, I've got bruises and bite marks from last night...

"Well, me, König and Johnny kind of fucked you senseless.. well Johnny and König fucked you a bit and I fucked you senseless after."

I couldn't help but smile, fuck I mean he was smiling while telling me two other guys fucked me a bunch last night how could I not.. "I know, honey" I say to him, my voice just above a whisper.
"Now where's that water" I laugh and he chuckles as he gets up to grab me a cup of water and I honestly almost fell asleep again in the short period he was gone.

"Price called about an hour ago, he wants us in his office at 1600 to talk about a mission we have tomorrow. Are alright with that?" He says down to me as I practically inhale the cup of water.

"Mhm, now come back here, I never said I was done sleeping." I smile slightly as I feel his bed dip with his weight then his soft lips touch my exposed neck.


About three hours later I got up and had a shower, leaving ghost in bed but as expected he got up and came in the bathroom before my shower was even finished. "I barely made it to the bathroom by myself." I say glaring up at him as if I was mad but instantly replace it with a giggle and my hands around his neck.

I thought about saying it just then I really fucking did but I couldn't.. I really really wanted to but my brain wouldn't let me.
'Hey ghost, I love you but I'm to scared to say it so instead I'm gonna say *don't die tomorrow* cause I'm a pussy' my thoughts have been running wild lately.. 'what if I die before I get to tell him I love him.' And 'if he dies I'll either die of heartbreak or I'll get so depressed from separation that I'll shoot myself or something'

"Y/N? Are you there? Love are you okay...?" I hear ghost panicking, fuck I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear him "fuck I'm so sorry, I haven't done that in fucking forever." I mutter, staring down at the tile floors "baby, it's okay.. I just want to make sure you're okay at all times." Fuck he's sweet.. well- to me anyways.

"We gotta go, it's almost 1600"
I say softly "price will understand love, let me take care of you for a while. The hot water will help out with the damage from last night." I consider arguing with him and going to that meeting but I don't have the energy and he said the mission was tomorrow so we could always talk later or early tomorrow. "Okay fine. But you gotta tell price it's your fault we're late!" I say staring up at him with my big beautiful doe eyes and something inside him just clicked.

He picked me up and shoved his face in my neck "we are not doing it again I'm in pain, feel bad for me!" I pout my lips and chuckle as he puts me down and says "fine, but understand the second you recover I'm breaking you back again." And then he pulls out his classic smirk.  "I- do not protest that.." I giggle and kiss him "look if we're gonna spend more time in here then needed you may Aswell scrub my back." I sigh.

"what do you think price wants us to do tomorrow?" I ask
"Probably another undercover cartel mission like Gaz and soap did, must be our turn huh?" He replies, makes me almost smile, 'undercover?' What does that mean like dressed up in formal civilian clothing or something? It would be a dream! Of course a bad dream cause it's a mission but.. i can't remember the last time I was all prettied up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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