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PART 1 -- "Where stars align is when fate comes"


The Immortal Realm, a vast expanse of ethereal beauty, unfolded beneath LianYanling as she sat on the edge of the Cloud Platform. Her residence, a celestial palace of intricate design, perched at the farthest heights, overseeing the splendor of the divine lands. The air shimmered with spiritual energy, and distant peaks of jade-colored mountains pierced through the sea of clouds.

Seated with graceful poise, Goddess Yanling, The Last True God, appeared as a solitary figure amidst the celestial panorama. Her garments, woven from threads of celestial silk, fluttered gently in the breeze that carried the essence of immortality. Despite the breathtaking scenery, a subtle melancholy clung to her presence, an echo of the untold sorrows she bore.

Her eyes, the color of stormy skies, gazed into the vastness before her, seemingly fixed on a distant point that only she could perceive. The silence around her was broken only by the soft rustle of the clouds and the occasional melodious chime of distant celestial bells.

For a century, LianYanling had chosen seclusion, withdrawing from the vibrant Celestial Court and the bustling activities of the Heavenly and Fairy Realms. The memory of her sisters' sacrifice lingered like a haunting melody, an unspoken requiem that resonated in the deepest recesses of her heart. The Celestial Court, unaware of the weight she carried, continued its ceaseless cycle of existence, unaware of the Remaining Daughter's silent agony.

Today, however, marked a special day. The millennial ceremony, a convergence of cosmic energies, beckoned the emergence of new immortals. Falling stars, newly ascended beings, would grace the Celestial Realm, and it was Goddess Yanling's duty to welcome them.

With a sigh that echoed through The Heavens, she rose from her contemplative perch. The Cloud Platform beneath her feet responded to her celestial energy, carrying her effortlessly through the sky towards the heart of the immortal realm. As she descended from the heights, her eyes carried the weight of both ancient sorrow and brief but newfound resolve.

The Celestial Court awaited, and destiny, like the unfolding petals of a sacred lotus, beckoned Goddess Yanling to fulfill her role in the cosmic dance of immortality. The Remaining Daughter, bearing the scars of sacrifice, would soon step into the spotlight of the millennial ceremony, where the threads of fate intertwined with the shimmering tapestry of the immortal realms.

Within the celestial confines of LianYanling's palace, the air was infused with a soft luminescence that accentuated the intricate details of the celestial artifacts adorning the chambers. HuXianxuan, her devoted servant, moved with practiced grace amidst the opulent surroundings. Clad in attire woven from strands of starlight, she awaited her mistress with a serene demeanor.

As LianYanling entered, a subtle shift in the atmosphere accompanied her presence. The ambient spiritual energy responded, acknowledging the Goddess' return. Xianxuan, perceptive to the nuances of celestial energy, bowed respectfully, her eyes reflecting unwavering loyalty.

"Goddess Yanling," Xianxuan uttered with a voice akin to the gentle rustle of leaves in an ancient forest, "The millennial ceremony awaits your radiance. May I assist you in putting on the garments befitting this special day?"

LianYanling nodded, a silent acknowledgment that held a depth of gratitude only understood between the two. As she seated herself upon a lotus throne, Xianxuan approached, bearing garments of iridescent hues that mirrored the colors of The Heavens.

The dressing ritual began, a sacred dance between servant and mistress. Each article of celestial attire held significance, embroidered with symbols representing the celestial virtues and the eternal cycle of life and death. The air shimmered with the harmonious exchange of energies as Xianxuan worked with meticulous precision, adorning LianYanling in resplendent attire.

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