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The severity of the situation intensified as the guardians realized that the force and the forging of the devil god-like weapon had taken an even darker turn. The disappearance of an immortal within The Heavenly Realm itself marked a direct threat to the security and balance of their abode.

"We must act swiftly," Shang Bi urged, his eyes reflecting the urgency of the moment. "The evil has infiltrated our very realm, and we cannot afford to underestimate its reach. Let us gather our allies and inform The Heavenly Emperor. Together, we shall uncover the truth and put an end to this growing menace."

With resolute determination, Generals CangShuang and Shang Bi hastened their steps toward The Frozen Peak Palace. The events signaled a pressing need for unity and coordinated action. The missing immortal became a symbol of the force's audacity, and the officials were poised to confront the dark shadow that threatened The Heavenly Realm from within.

As Generals CangShuang and Shang Bi reached the palace, the grim reality of the situation became apparent. The missing immortal's star had already vanished, signifying not only his disappearance but also its tragic death. The Heavenly Realm, once considered a sanctuary of security, now faced a direct and malevolent intrusion that claimed the existence of one of its own.

The immortals exchanged somber glances, their resolve solidifying in the face of this tragedy. The evil force, responsible for the forging of the devil god-like weapon, had escalated its threat, infiltrating the heart of The Heavenly Realm itself.

"He has fallen victim to the same malevolence we encountered in The Forbidden Dream Forest," Shang Bi remarked, his voice carrying a mix of sorrow and determination. "We cannot allow this darkness to persist within our realm. The time for action is now."

The Frozen Peak Palace, once a bastion of tranquility, now bore witness to the urgent council that would be convened to address the crisis. The missing immortal's demise underscored the urgency of confronting the malevolent force head-on, and Generals CangShuang and Shang Bi prepared to present their findings to The Heavenly Emperor and seek the strength of their celestial allies.

In the face of this unexpected tragedy, The Heavenly Realm braced itself for a decisive battle against the evil that threatened not only The Forbidden Dream Forest but all the realms.

In response to the urgent call to action, The Heavenly Emperor swiftly mobilized a significant force of celestial soldiers to search for the missing immortal and investigate the circumstances surrounding his disappearance. The soldiers, armed with prowess and determination, combed through The Heavenly Realm in a collective effort to locate any trace of the fallen immortal.

Despite their extensive search, the soldiers encountered an unsettling evidence – the star of the missing immortal had already vanished. The celestial energies that connected an immortal to The Heavenly Realm were extinguished, leaving no tangible trail for the soldiers to follow. The disappearance had become an enigma shrouded in mysteries.

The Heavenly Emperor, now faced with the perplexing absence of any tangible evidence, convened a council to discuss the next course of action. Generals CangShuang and Shang Bi, along with other immortals, gathered to share their insights and devise a strategy to confront the force that had infiltrated the realms.

"The evil has proven to be elusive, leaving no trace behind," The Heavenly Emperor said, his expression a mix of concern and sadness. "We must intensify our efforts and explore every locations to uncover the truth behind these events. Our unity is our strength, and together, we shall unveil the machinations of this threat."

The celestial soldiers, undeterred by the initial setbacks, continued their vigilant search while the council deliberated on the crisis. The Heavenly Realm stood at the crossroads of uncertainty, grappling with an elusive evil that threatened the very fabric of its existence. Recognizing the complexity and seriousness of the situation, The Heavenly Emperor contemplated seeking the assistance of higher celestial beings – the goddesses Yanling and Zhu. With the evil force proving elusive and the disappearance of an immortal within The Heavenly Realm, the Emperor believed that the insights and divine powers of these goddesses might hold the key to unraveling the mysteries that plagued the realms.

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