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Shitai Zhu and General Shang Bi descended from The Heavenly Realm into The Human Realm, hiding their aura. As they traversed the familiar landscapes of the mortal realm, they couldn't help but notice the subtle changes that had taken place since their last visit.

The air seemed strangely heavy, but people seemed to not notice it, just engaging in their daily activites. General Shang Bi's gaze swept over the bustling streets and markets, his expression unreadable beneath the mask of his stoic demeanor. Beside him, Shitai Zhu exuded an air of calm confidence, her eyes sharp and alert as she took in their surroundings.

As General Shang Bi and Shitai Zhu strolled through the bustling street market, they observed the vibrant view of life unfolding before them. Merchants called out to potential customers, their voices blending into a cacophony of sound that filled the air with energy and excitement.

Stalls laden with colorful goods lined the narrow alleyways, their wares ranging from exotic spices and fragrant herbs to finely crafted trinkets and baubles. Shitai Zhu's eyes swept over the array of offerings, her gaze not really lingering on items.

Meanwhile, General Shang Bi maintained a vigilant watch over their surroundings, his senses attuned to any signs of danger or disruption. Despite the seemingly mundane nature of their surroundings, he knew that danger could lurk in even the most innocuous of places, and he remained ever vigilant against any potential threats. Even from humans.

Together, they navigated the crowded streets with ease, their presence not even being noticed. As they moved through the throngs of people, they kept their focus firmly fixed on their ultimate objective, determined to uncover the truth that lay hidden amidst the hustle and bustle of the market.

General Shang Bi and Shitai Zhu continued their search through the bustling market, their senses attuned to the subtle energies that pulsed through the air. Amidst the throngs of people and the myriad distractions of the marketplace, they sought out a local who could provide them with the guidance they needed to navigate the complexities of The Human Realm. Even if Li Shang was the Commander of the South, he would not really travel the lands.

After some inquiries and discreet inquiries, they came upon a weathered old man who seemed to possess a deep knowledge of the land. He invited him to share some tea.

Seated in the cozy confines of the tea shop, General Shang Bi and the old man sipped their tea in contemplative silence. General Shang Bi chose his words carefully, mindful not to reveal too much and risk alarming their newfound ally.

"In our travels," General Shang Bi began, his voice measured and calm, "we have come across whispers of a powerful artifact hidden within The Human Realm. It is said to possess great powers and could pose a grave threat if it were to fall into the wrong hands."

He paused, observing the old man's reaction closely. The man listened intently, his eyes reflecting not an once of curiosity.

"We seek not to cause alarm," General Shang Bi continued, "but rather to ensure that this artifact is safeguarded from those who would misuse its power. Any assistance you could provide in locating it would be greatly appreciated."

The old man nodded solemnly, his weathered features betraying a hint of concern. "I understand," he replied gravely. "Though the task may be fraught with peril, I shall do my utmost to aid you in your quest. This old Lu Feng shall help this Immortal Official."

As the conversation went on between General Shang Bi and Lu Feng, Shitai Zhu remained silent, her eyes just looking at their surroundings. General Shang Bi couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise at how readily Lu Feng had agreed to assist them, but he refrained from questioning the man's motives, knowing that he could not waste any time.

千年寻常歌 - Thousand Years Ordinary SongWhere stories live. Discover now