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Armed with the celestial emperor's decree, General CangShuang embarked on the journey to seek the assistance of Commander Shang Bi. As CangShuang and his companions traversed the ethereal landscape, the transition from The Immortal Realm to The Human Realm brought a shift in the currents. Upon reaching the realm, Cangtian learned that Commander Shang Bi maintained a presence at the intersection of the celestial and human realm. Known for his protective role over mortals and the celestial order, Shang Bi stood as a guardian on the frontier, ensuring harmony between the realms.

Cangtian, with his emperor's decree, sought an audience with the Commander when entering the residence barrier. The landscapes unfolded, revealing a realm calmer and surrounded by nature. As he approached the frontier, he prepared to meet The Commander. The meeting held the promise of an alliance against evil. As a Demi-God, The Earth God, despite his heightened stature, had a reputation for maintaining a watchful and non-intrusive presence on the frontier.

The Heavenly Emperor, recognizing the significance of the disturbance in the Forbidden Dream Forest and the involvement of humans, saw an opportunity to enlist the assistance of Shang Bi in the case. While The Earth God had not typically intervened in celestial matters, the presence of humans within The Immortal Realm seemed to be a unique circumstance that would warn his attention.

The Emperor, aware of Shang Bi's commitment to safeguarding The Human Realm, believed that he might be inclined to lend his support to General CangShuang on this particular case.

As Chengle announced the presence of General CangShuang at the entrance gate, seeking an audience with Commander Shang Bi, the atmosphere at the frontier seemed to shift. The energies intertwined as the request for an audience reached the demi-god who silently guarded the celestial-human boundary. After a brief moment, the gates opened, and Wu Cangtian, accompanied by Chengle and his loyal companions, entered the realm where Commander Shang Bi resided. The Earth God awaited their arrival. As they approached, they found him seated at a table, ready to serve tea—a gesture that conveyed a sense of hospitality and welcome.

"Welcome, General CangShuang," Commander Shang Bi greeted with a warm smile. "Please, be seated. I have prepared tea for our meeting. Now, tell me, what brings you to my frontier, and how may I assist you?"

Seated, Wu Cangtian began to recount the disturbance within The Forbidden Dream Forest. He spoke of the malevolent force that tainted the realm, the hanging corpses, and the presence of humans discovered within the domain. As the tale unfolded, Commander Shang Bi listened attentively, his demeanor, a blend of contemplation and concern. To the surprise of Wu Cangtian, Commander Shang Bi seemed already aware of the events, and a knowing expression crossed the demi-god's features.

"You have come seeking assistance regarding the disturbance in The Forbidden Dream Forest," Shang Bi observed, his gaze reflecting a depth of understanding. "The whispers of the realms have reached me, and I am aware of the force that stains the domain. It seems our paths have converged for a purpose."

With a decisive nod, Commander Shang Bi expressed his willingness to assist General CangShuang in confronting the threat.

"I am prepared to lend my support," Shang Bi declared, pouring tea for his guests. "Together, we shall unveil the mysteries within The Forbidden Dream Forest and restore balance of the realms. Let us join forces and embark on this quest."

As General Shang Bi prepared to join forces with General CangShuang, he shared the insights gleaned from his quick investigations.

"Several humans have been reported missing after venturing into The Demon Realm to trade resources," Shang Bi explained, his expression carrying a sense of concern. "Neither The Demon Realm nor I, have been able to locate them. It is this mysterious disappearance that initially caught my attention and drew me into this case."

千年寻常歌 - Thousand Years Ordinary SongWhere stories live. Discover now