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Maintaining a facade of composure, Wu Cangtian and Yanling concealed their surprise at the revelation that Bai Wan held such significant influence within the demon realm. Despite their astonishment, they remained vigilant.

Yanling couldn't help but be captivated by the opulence of the manor, with its grandeur extending even to the lush gardens that sprawled beyond its walls. As they strolled through the verdant expanse, she marveled at the beauty that surrounded her—a stark contrast to the shadowy realm they now found themselves in.

The delicate fragrance of blooming flowers mingled with the gentle rustle of leaves, creating an enchanting atmosphere that seemed to transport her to another world. Graceful swans glided serenely across the tranquil waters of ornamental ponds, their elegant movements adding to the ethereal ambiance of the garden.

For a moment, Yanling felt as though she had stepped into a fairy tale, where beauty and tranquility reigned supreme. Despite the underlying tension of their mission, she couldn't help but appreciate the fleeting respite offered by this hidden sanctuary within the heart of The Demon Realm.

Seated at the ornate table in the grand hall, Yanling couldn't help but feel uneasy under BaiWan's scrutinizing gaze. She found herself drawn to the view outside the window, where the moon cast its gentle glow over the meticulously manicured grounds of the manor.

Meanwhile, servants bustled about, laying out an array of sumptuous dishes before them. Despite the tempting aromas that wafted from the steaming plates, Yanling's appetite waned in the presence of their enigmatic host.

With each passing moment, the tension in the room seemed to thicken, and Yanling found herself growing increasingly apprehensive about the true intentions behind BaiWan's hospitality. She knew they were treading on dangerous ground, and the air of uncertainty hung heavy in the opulent hall.

As the conversation circled back to the matter at hand, Yanling pressed Bai Wan for details regarding the love potion and what he desired in return for it. However, instead of providing a straightforward answer, Bai Wan merely smiled enigmatically, his gaze locked onto Yanling with unsettling intensity.

With a calm demeanor, Yanling persisted in her inquiry, her voice steady despite the rising tension in the room. Yet, Bai Wan remained elusive, his smile never faltering as he deftly sidestepped her questions.

Then, with disconcerting astuteness, Bai Wan remarked "You know, A'Ling, there's something about your quest for a love potion that doesn't quite ring true.".

His words hung in the air, leaving Yanling to wonder how much he truly knew.

"What do you mean?" she replied, her voice steady despite the undercurrent of tension.

Bai Wan chuckled softly, his gaze never leaving Yanling's face.

"Let's just say, I have a knack for discerning truth from falsehood," he said cryptically. "And it seems to me that your motives for seeking such a potion may be more complicated than you let on."

Yanling narrowed her eyes slightly, her mind racing to formulate a response that would neither reveal too much nor betray her suspicions. "Appearances can be deceiving, Sect Leader Bai," she replied evenly. "But I assure you, my intentions are genuine."

BaiWan's smile widened, an enigmatic glint in his eyes as he raised his teacup to his lips. "Of course, my dear A'Ling," he said smoothly. "But in matters of the heart, sincerity is often a rare commodity, wouldn't you agree?"

BaiWan's words hung in the air, punctuated by the soft clink of his teacup as he set it back down on the table. Yanling felt a prickling sense of unease as his penetrating gaze seemed to dissect her thoughts, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable.

千年寻常歌 - Thousand Years Ordinary SongTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang