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Startled awake by the faint sound of movement in her chamber, Yanling blinked sleep from her eyes, her senses slowly coming into focus as she looked at the room. The soft glow of dawn filtered through the windows, casting a warm hue over the surroundings, yet something felt amiss.

As she sat up in bed, she noticed the subtle rustling of fabric and the muted murmur of voices, causing her brows to furrow in confusion. With a sinking feeling in her chest, she realized that the servants were bustling about the room, their movements quite fast as they adorned the space with elaborate decorations.

A sense of unease settled over Lian Yanling as she watched the flurry of activity unfold before her eyes. Crimson ribbons and delicate flowers adorned every surface, transforming the once serene chamber into a scene of vibrant celebration. Yet, amidst the festive decorations, there was an air of solemnity that belied the joyous occasion.

With a heavy heart, Lian Yanling realized the truth behind the sudden preparations-the manor was being adorned for her impending marriage to Bai Wan. The realization sent a chill down her spine, her mind reeling at the thought of being bound to the demon immortal against her will.

Gathering her resolve, Yanling pushed aside her fear and uncertainty.

Rising from her bed, Yanling approached the nearest servant, her voice firm as she issued a command to cease the decorations.

- Sect Leader Bai gave the order. The servant shall only obey his master.

Frustrated by the servants' persistence in decorating despite her command, Yanling's patience wore strangely thin. With a swift motion of her hand, she gestured for the servant to leave the room, her expression conveying a sense of urgency and anger.

As the servant hurriedly exited, Lian Yanling looked at the ornate decorations in the chamber with a mixture of disdain and resentment. With a flicker of anger igniting within her, she summoned her elemental powers, channeling the fiery energy that coursed through her veins.

In a blaze of brilliant light, flames erupted from Yanling's outstretched hand, engulfing the delicate decorations in a whirlwind of fire and smoke. Crimson ribbons and delicate flowers wilted and withered under the intense heat, consumed by the fire that raged unchecked.

As the last remnants of the decorations turned to ash, Yanling stood in the smoldering ruins, her eyes blazing. Although the path before her was decided, she would still make it happen the way she wanted.

Lian Yanling remained seated by the window, her gaze fixed on the landscape beyond that turned to moonlit, lost in her thoughts as the night wore on. The soft glow of the moon cast a silver sheen over her delicate features, illuminating the quiet resolve that burned within her.

Lost in contemplation, she was unaware of Bai Wan's silent approach until his voice shattered the stillness of the night. Startled, she turned to face him, her expression guarded as she met his gaze.

Bai Wan stood before her, his presence commanding yet strangely familiar. His eyes held a mixture of curiosity and amusement as he looked at her, his lips curved in a knowing smile that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Forgive the intrusion, A'Ling," he began, his voice smooth and melodious like the gentle whisper of the wind. "I couldn't help but notice your... display earlier. Quite impressive, I must say."

Lian Yanling's features remained impassive as she gave him back a glare, her eyes betraying none of the turmoil that raged within her. She knew all too well the danger that lurked behind Bai Wan's charming facade, the treacherous currents that flowed beneath his seemingly calm exterior.

千年寻常歌 - Thousand Years Ordinary SongWhere stories live. Discover now