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In the quietude of the night, LianYanling, the goddess found herself ensnared in the persistent grip of insomnia. The ethereal glow of the moon bathed her residence in a soft luminescence, but the tranquility of the realms failed to bring solace to her restless mind.

For many long years, the silent goddess had grappled with the affliction of insomnia, a silent companion that lingered in the shadows of her existence. The cosmic view, adorned with the beauty of stars and celestial energies, seemed to offer no respite to the quiet storm that raged within her.

LianYanling, reclining on the edge of her Cloud Platform, gazed into the cosmic expanse as if seeking answers in the silent dance of celestial bodies. The gentle breezes of The Heavenly Realm whispered secrets, yet the elusive remedy for her sleepless nights remained beyond her grasp.

The gardens, usually a sanctuary of serene contemplation, failed to provide the solace she sought. The ethereal beauty that surrounded her served as a stark contrast to the turbulent thoughts that echoed in the depths of her consciousness.

As the night unfolded its celestial canopy, LianYanling, cloaked in the enigmatic aura that marked her as the goddess, yearned for a respite from the torment of insomnia. The cosmic currents, indifferent to the struggles of immortals, carried the weight of her silent suffering as she sought elusive sleep amidst the quiet expanse of The Heavenly Realm.


General CangShuang, also found himself unable to succumb to the embrace of slumber within the confines of his quarters. Restless thoughts, like fleeting celestial wisps, danced through his mind, and a melancholy tinge lingered in the quietude of his abode.

In an attempt to find solace and perhaps a momentary distraction from the weight of impending responsibilities, Cangtian decided to take a contemplative walk to The Fairy Pond. The ethereal glow of the moon illuminated the celestial landscape, casting a soft radiance on his path.

The path to The Fairy Pond held a bittersweet significance for Cangtian. Tomorrow, he would embark on a new chapter, leaving behind The Heavenly and for The Immortal Realm as a small immortal general. The anticipation of the journey was tinged with a touch of sorrow, for it meant parting ways with the familiar and stepping into the unknown.

As Cangtian arrived at The Fairy Pond, the tranquil waters reflected the beauty above and offered a panoramic view of The Immortal Realm below. The celestial energy in the air resonated with the whispers of cosmic secrets, creating an atmosphere of both serenity and contemplation.

Gazing into the depths of The Fairy Pond, Wu Cangtian allowed his thoughts to wander. The prospect of leaving The Heavenly Realm, and the uncertainty of encountering LianYanling once more, weighed on his heart. The goddess, a captivating enigma, had left an indelible mark on his heart. As if it became his new obsession.

In the quietude of the night, under the celestial glow, Wu Cangtian reflected on the transient nature of celestial existence. The Fairy Pond, a bridge between realms, became a metaphor for the transition that awaited him—a transition that held the promise of new adventures.

As Cangtian stood by The Fairy Pond, the currents whispered tales of immortality, destiny, and the dance between the realms. The night unfolded, bearing witness to the silent contemplations of a small immortal general on the eve of his journey.

As the night unfolded its sky full of stars, General CangShuang remained by The Fairy Pond, immersed in quiet contemplation. The ethereal glow of the moon bathed him in celestial luminescence, casting shadows that danced with the cosmic currents.

The night, a silent witness to the celestial musings of the immortal, carried on as the hours passed. The connection between realms, mirrored by the tranquil waters of The Fairy Pond, seemed to echo the transient nature of celestial existence.

千年寻常歌 - Thousand Years Ordinary SongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora