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Bai Wan's footsteps echoed through the corridors of his manor as he made his way to the main hall, a triumphant gleam in his eyes. He had returned from his quest with the artifact in hand, a relic that would soon be bestowed upon his betrothed, Lian Yanling.

When he entered the main hall, Bai Wan's presence seemed to fill the space, his aura exuding confidence. Servants and attendants scurried about, preparing for the upcoming festivities that would mark his wedding with Yanling.

With a self-satisfied smile, Bai Wan approached the center of the hall, where a grand table adorned with exquisite decorations awaited. He took out the bracelets. Bai Wan's gaze lingered on the artifact, his mind drifting back to the events that had led him to its discovery.

He remembered the previous owner, even if he wished to forget him. He was a figure from his past whose memory still haunted him. But now, that memory was overshadowed by the fact that Yanling was finally within his grasp. He was ready to fulfill his destiny with his Yanling.

As he now stood before the hall, Bai Wan felt a surge of anticipation coursing through him. Soon, he would present it to Yanling as a symbol of his devotion, a testament to the future that would be theirs once they were united in marriage.

With a sense of satisfaction, Bai Wan was envisioning the celebration that would soon take place within those walls. The artifact gleamed in the soft light in his hand. And as Bai Wan looked upon it, he would very much like that this artifact would seal their fate if they could wear it together.

Bai Wan's entrance into Yanling's room was a proclamation of his triumph. With the artifact cradled in his hands, he approached her with a confident stride, a smile playing on his lips as he presented the object to her.

"Behold, my dear Yanling," he announced, his voice tinged with pride. "The artifact you sought is now in my possession."

Yanling regarded the bracelets with apprehension, her eyes flickering over its bright surface. She knew just by looking at it that this object held great power.

"And so," Bai Wan continued, his tone taking on a note of finality, "our wedding shall proceed as planned, tomorrow afternoon."

Yanling's heart sank at the news, a sense of dread settling over her like a heavy shroud. She knew that she was bound by duty to fulfill the terms of their agreement, but the thought of marrying Bai Wan filled her with unease.

Nevertheless, she maintained her composure, offering Bai Wan a polite nod of acknowledgment. "Thank you for your diligence in acquiring the artifact," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her. "I shall make the necessary preparations for our wedding."

As Bai Wan took his leave, Yanling was left alone with her thoughts, the weight of her impending marriage pressing down upon her like a leaden cloak. She knew that she would need to tread carefully in the days to come, for the fate of all the realms hung in the balance, and the decisions she made would shape the course of their destinies.

Yanling watched Bai Wan depart, and a wave of melancholy washed over her, threatening to engulf her in its icy embrace. She felt the weight of her responsibilities bearing down upon her, each step forward carrying her further from the path she had once envisioned for herself. It has been a while since she had to remember that gods had missions to fulfill.

Her heart ached with a sense of longing, a longing for the love she had known and the promise she had made to the one who had held her heart so long ago. She had always believed that her affection for him would last for eternity, transcending the boundaries of life and death. And now, as she stood on the precipice of a union forged by duty rather than affection, she couldn't help but feel as though she was betraying that sacred vow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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