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The celestial night hung in quiet reverence as Wu Cangtian observed LianYanling seated on the edge of her Cloud Platform, at the very end of The Red Moon Garden. The ethereal glow of the stars bathed The Heavenly Realm, casting a luminous veil over the silent goddess and her secluded place.

Approaching with a quiet step, Wu Cangtian noticed a profound change in the atmosphere surrounding Yanling. The garden that was earlier adorned with the tapestries of celestial lore and the presence of immortal attendants, now stood with an air of emptiness. It seemed as if time itself had paused within the confines of her place. She was once again the only one here.

As he neared, Wu Cangtian discerned the subtle traces of melancholy that clung to Yanling's demeanor. Her stormy eyes, like tempest-tossed skies, gazed into the cosmic expanse with a depth that transcended his ancient mortal understanding. The quietude of her surroundings mirrored the serenity of her contemplation.

LianYanling, seemingly aware of Wu Cangtian's presence, turned her gaze towards him. The enigmatic connection forged during the millennial ceremony lingered, and in that moment, nothing passed between them. Wu Cangtian, respectful of the unspoken solitude that surrounded LianYanling, approached.

"Goddess Yanling," he spoke, his voice echoing like distant ripples in the pond, "The cosmic currents have guided me to your presence once again. May I sit in the stillness of your contemplation?"

LianYanling, without a nod of acknowledgment, did not gesture for him to join her on the edge of The Cloud Platform. But Wu Cangtian took his place beside her, the cosmic energies seemed to harmonize around them, creating a strange sanctuary within the vastness of The Heavenly Realm.

They sat in shared silence, gazing into the starlit expanse, the unspoken echoes of the millennial ceremony lingering in the air. The Celestial Court, wrapped in festivities and oblivious to the veiled realms of LianYanling's solitude, remained distant. In the quiet, between the goddess and the new immortal, a new chapter unfolded—one that delved into the mysteries the realms.

The celestial night held its breath as LianYanling, the goddess, observed Wu Cangtian in the corner of her eye, in the quietude of her Cloud Platform. The cosmic energies whispered around them. LianYanling, her gaze like a stormy sea, remained silent, a guardian of the veiled realms.

Wu Cangtian, though aware of the solemnity of the moment, maintained a demeanor of respectful curiosity. His gaze, attuned to the celestial currents, spoke of a profound curiosity that transcended usual boundaries. Yanling, however, perceived the subtle undercurrents in his presence, and her stormy eyes bore witness to the unfolding of an unspoken connection...

As they sat side by side on the edge of The Cloud Platform, the stillness enveloped them like a celestial cloak. The silence, full with the echoes of the millennial ceremony, carried with it the weight of celestial contemplation. Wu Cangtian, sensitive to the unspoken currents, refrained from breaking the silence, allowing LianYanling to guide the cadence of their shared stars-glazing.

LianYanling's scrutiny intensified as she observed Wu Cangtian's every movement. The celestial energies, like silent witnesses, bore testament to the intricacies of their encounter. The immortal, seemingly unperturbed by the silent gaze of the goddess, held his composure with a serene confidence.

In the stillness, the moments stretched, and Yanling began to sense the undercurrents of Wu Cangtian's intent. Despite the solemnity of the occasion, he had entered her residence and spoken to her with a familiarity that broke the traditional etiquette.

A fleeting frown, imperceptible to most but discernible to one as perceptive as Wu Cangtian, flickered across LianYanling's countenance. The storm within her gaze hinted at the tempest of emotions that lay beneath the surface. Yet, she remained silent, not contemplating the immortal anymore, who had dared to breach the veiled realms of her solitude. She should have said something about Cangtian daring to enter her residence or even talking to her so improperly, but she remained silent.

千年寻常歌 - Thousand Years Ordinary SongWhere stories live. Discover now