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Authors note. Hello! This isn't the best but it's definitely something, I hope everyone enjoys it :))

In the early morning of October, Johnnie, with his raven hair and angelic blue eyes, awakened as sunlight seeped through his insufficiently shaded curtains. He yawned and squinted against the brightness, remnants of black eyeshadow smudged around his eyes from sleeping in his makeup.

He glanced at the time, on his bright phone, squinting. "Ten in the morning," Johnnie whines.

As he became fully alert, he felt the soft growl of his stomach, prompting a groan as he sat up. Clad in loose black plaid pajama pants and a matching long-sleeved shirt, he made his way into the hallway, pondering Jake's whereabouts. Jake, his roommate, was known to be an early riser, often to do mysterious activities before Johnnie's usual afternoon waking up from always being exhausted. Johnnie never questioned it, it wasn't his business to, except for when Johnnie would often notice scratches and cuts on him.

Knocking on Jake's door, Johnnie called out, "Jake, are you home?"

Silence followed.

Johnnie's expression soured, realizing he would be alone for a while. He sat on their soft couch and  reached for his phone and hesitated before tapping on Jake's contact..and-...

The sound of clanking silver keys turning the doorknob made Johnnie jump, his gaze snapping toward the door. Jake entered, his clothes stained with blood and scratches marring his face. He closed the door behind him, prompting Johnnie to blurt out, "Dude, are you okay?" in a quick, concerned tone, causing Jake to startle.

"What? Uh... yeah, I'm fine, why?" Jake responded nervously, clearly caught off guard by a fully awake Johnnie in the middle of their living room. Johnnie usually slept until noon... had he lost track of time? Glancing at his watch, he confirmed that he hadn't. "Why are you awake?" Jake asked, Johnnie shrugs, "I woke up and now I'm wide awake..Jake, you're bleeding, do you need help?" Johnnie frowned at the cut down his face. Jake shook his head, "I'm fine, darling." He shot johnnie a smile and walked to his bathroom.

Johnnie stood there, utterly confused. Jake had called him 'Darling'? He let out a sigh and turned on the television, the first channel displaying the news. "Investigators are on the scene as they believe the most wanted criminal, 'no name', has struck again, leaving a twenty-five-year-old male dead on 24th Street near Solitary Bar."

Johnnie watched the news intently, and a photo of the murdered man appeared on the screen. It was the same man who had sexually harassed Johnnie at a party he and Jake had attended the previous night.


Jake and Johnnie entered the Solitary Bar, where loud music reverberated through the crowded space, accompanied by flashing lights. Johnnie separated from Jake to go get a drink, momentarily managing to forget his worries amidst the chaotic atmosphere. However, his respite was short-lived as a man approached him from behind, slurring, "Hey, sweetheart," before delivering a disrespectful smack on Johnnie's ass. Startled, Johnnie turned around quickly, offering an awkward laugh in response.

Meanwhile, Jake's eyes locked onto Johnnie from across the room, He always had his eyes on Johnnie, whether it's in public or when Johnnie is sitting in the living area watching Netflix. He'd sworn to himself, Johnnie would never leave his sight. his gaze turning into a death glare aimed at the man who had just touched Johnnie – his Johnnie, his property. The man then proceeded to encircle Johnnie with his arms, pulling him close as Johnnie struggled to break free from his smaller frame. The man hugged him and laughed slurring random bullshit due to the alcohol cursing through him. Jake forcefully pushed through the crowd, determined to reach his "sweet blue-eyed angel."

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Who do you think you are?!" Jake bellowed as he pulled the intruder away from Johnnie, his grip on the man's shirt signaling his intent to unleash a beating.

However, in that intense moment, Jake caught a glimpse of Johnnie's soft, vulnerable angel eyes. With a forceful shove, he pushed the man away and rushed over to Johnnie, asking urgently, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

**end of flashback**

The running water turns off from Jake's bathroom, Jake comes out with wet hair and a pair of pajama pants. Johnnie's thoughts of that night disappears and the television changes channels.

Jake smiled at the smaller male on the couch, "Sorry, I was at the store and a bottle of wine spilled on me.." he said, he was obviously lying but Johnnie is pretty easy to lie to, especially when you're Jake. Jake had that sweet smile and dimples that made you melt, whether you'd known him for years or just a few moments. "Idiot" Johnnie said with a smirk." Jake rolled his eyes playfully, "Your makeup is so smudged," jake spoke and reached over and placed his hand on Johnnie's cheek rubbing the black eyeshadow off roughly. Johnnie smacks his hand away, "it's hot like this" he giggled.

Johnnie glanced at his television checking the time. He soon remembered the news, "oh, you know that guy from last night? The weirdo.." he asked, Jake gave him a confusing look. "The one that groped me near the bar." Johnnie said, "he was murdered late last night, at like 3 am..it was on the news" Jake gave Johnnie a sadistic smile, "oh...strange." He said quite terrifyingly, "maybe he knows now not to touch what's not his." Johnnie wasn't gonna lie, he was kind of scared of jake. It wasn't like he was jealous right? I mean they're platonic friends..nothing more. Jake always did this when someone flirts or something along that line with Johnnie, he goes sadistic, murderous. Jake wouldn't hurt anyone though! Right? I mean it's Jake, he's a sweet guy...or so that's what Johnnie thinks.

Angels and Cigarettes|| Johnnie Guilbert x Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now