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Authors note: I don't hate Alex! I don't know her that well!! Don't take any of this to heart, since it is a fanfic :)) Thank you for all the reads lately! I'm very happy that this is going so well! I post a new part every day, so stay tuned! Comment suggestions!!!

Jake was on a mission, his target being none other than the person at the top of his hit list—Alex Dorame, Johnnie's ex-girlfriend. She had deeply wounded Johnnie by cheating on him and leaving him in a state of despair for months, and Jake couldn't stand to see his Angel hurt like that. He had been relentlessly tracking Alex's movements, waiting for the perfect opportunity to act, and that time had finally come.

Under the cover of the night, Jake slipped out of the house around three in the morning, leaving Johnnie peacefully asleep in his bed, embraced in the loving comfort of a pillow. Jake quietly closed and locked the door before heading out. His target, Alex, seemed to have vanished for a while, but Jake had never stopped his surveillance. Now, it was the perfect moment to strike.

From a distance, Jake observed Alex, who was out for a late-night walk, seemingly unaware of her surroundings, her earphones blocking out the world. With a knife in his hand, Jake watched with a chilling grin as he carefully planned his approach. Seizing the opportune moment, he threw a rock, striking Alex on the backside and making her remove an earbud. Startled, she turned around and softly uttered, "Hello?" Jake remained hidden as she glanced around, oblivious to the darkness encroaching upon her peaceful walk. As she turned to put her earbud back in, Jake seized the opportunity to throw another rock. Startled, she turned around abruptly, removing her headphones and calling out, "Is anyone there?" Silence greeted her as she reached for her phone, seeking safety. Suddenly, a rough arm grasped her, and a knife pressed against her neck. Jake's smile was chilling as he held her in place, whispering, "Never, and I mean never, hurt my Angel again," into her ear.

⚠︎︎⚠︎︎⚠︎︎⚠︎︎TW kinda graphic.⚠︎︎⚠︎︎⚠︎︎⚠︎︎

He slowly ran the blade against her skin, cause her to bleed until he finally stabbed it through her neck. Jake grabs the girl and threw her onto the ground, murderously stabbing her in the chest as blood poured out of her. She fell unconscious from the first stab through her neck, making everything easier for Jake.

☞︎TW over <3☜︎

He finally felt as though she got what she deserved and dragged her life-less body to a dumpster, throwing her in leaving a note.

'I hope she learnt her lesson...

It read.

Jake walked home, filled with a sense of pride, his heart soaring with the assurance that his angel with those mesmerizing blue eyes, framed by dark, beautiful hair was safe.

As he arrived home, he navigated through the shared house he inhabited with the two of them, finally stepping into his cold bathroom. There, he meticulously washed away the residue of the cheater's blood, the water cascading over his skin in a liberating rush, the sink became red with the scrubbing of Jake's rough hands. Gazing at his reflection in the mirror, a serene smile graced his lips, a reflection of the peace he felt within.

Jake walks down the hall after changing and freshening up. He peaks inside Johnnie's room and smiled. Johnnie's asleep holding a pillow close to his chest, quite soft face and a limp body. "Goodnight, sweetheart.." he hums and closed the door back. Jake walks to his room and laid on his bed lighting up a cigarette..

Jake's Obsessed.

Angels and Cigarettes|| Johnnie Guilbert x Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now