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Authors note: this chapter is crazy
The events of the night before were in graved into Johnnie's head, the comfort and warmth of the younger's soft thick lips against his, the feeling of bites down his neck. It was truly to die for. Johnnie stands up from his bed stretching, he slowly walked to his bathroom. He had no remembrance of what happened after the kiss, it all went dark.

Johnnie looks into the mirror, rubbing the marks Jake left on his neck with his hand. He smiled, it felt like he was Jake's now..He walks out of the bathroom and searches for Jake. He's on the couch.

Johnnie's joyful "Good morning!" was completely ignored by Jake, who quickly scooted away from him upon seeing the other boy's closeness. Johnnie's expression fell as he began to wonder what he must have done wrong. "Jake?..." he asked, but Jake let a fake smile leave his lips, "Yes, darling?" He asked.

What happened?...


Jake's hot breath was heavy on Johnnie's neck, his grip on him tight and the heat from Jake's body radiating against him. They stood in an intimate moment, Johnnie completely unaware of the danger lurking in Jake's pocket. As soon as Jake felt Johnnie's hands reach into the pockets of his jeans, his heart skipped a beat, "what's this, jake-" Johnnie pulls out a red, blood stained knife with a carved name 'NoName' in the blade.

As soon as Johnnie's hand pulled out the object in Jake's pocket, his eyes widened and his heart began to pound with fear and panic. Jake quickly stood up, taking a step back and pulling the knife back in his pocket as he backed away. Johnnie's expression faltered slightly, but his fearful look seemed to give away the suspicion lurking beneath the surface. "What is that? " Johnnie asked, with a slight look of concern on his face.

Jake's mind swirled with thoughts as he rushed to the kitchen to prepare something that would force Johnnie to fall asleep. He mixed a drink with Rohypnol, hoping to send Johnnie to sleep quickly and quietly. He brought the glass of water back to Johnnie, who immediately refused. "No..."Johnnie said firmly, trying to keep his head upright and mouth shut.

Jake became impatient with Johnnie's refusal to cooperate. He grabbed the other's chin and pulled him towards him, forcing Johnnie's mouth open to pour the liquid inside. Johnnie coughed and wheezed, trying to resist swallowing the liquid as it slid down his throat. "Listen to me next time and that won't fucking happen.." Jake angrily demanded.

Johnnie lets tears slip out of his eyes, a few moments later he passed out from the Spiked drink, falling against the couch. Jake sighed in relief and caressed the boys face, "I'm sorry, Angel..I had to.." Jake carried the boy to bed and changed him into pajamas, "it's okay..get some rest sweet boy.."

Jake walked to his room. Jake was seething with anger and frustration, having punched the walls and thrown his papers all over the place. "Fucking stupid..." he muttered to himself in disbelief and horror at what he had done. Jake began to spiral, realizing that Johnnie was bound to discover the truth about his killings and secrets. He felt his whole world start to tumble down around him, and he was desperate to keep everything together and avoid losing Johnnie.

*end of flashback*

Johnnie leaned in closer to Jake's face, waving his fingers in front of it. "Jake? Are you there? Earth to Jake..." Johnnie snapped his fingers in front of Jake's face, hoping he hadn't completely blown his cover. Jake smiled a little, hoping himself that Johnnie hadn't remembered anything after that kiss. Johnnie and Jake talk abit about streaming.

Jake let out a deep sigh of relief, thinking that Johnnie hadn't remembered anything after the kiss. Little did Jake know that Johnnie remembered everything—the kiss, the knife in his pocket, and even what Jake had put in Johnnie's glass of water.

Jake, his best friend and crush, is NoName, the murder.

Authors note: GASP.

Angels and Cigarettes|| Johnnie Guilbert x Jake WebberDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora