Chapter 2: Bubbles, Break ins and Birthday Boys (Bubbler)

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Aaron POV

My head was still spinning from my discovery. My parents connection to the old man, finding out my father's past, or at least some parts of it, the old man in the picture.

But, I have yet to find the answer of the questions I've been asking myself.

Today is Adrien's birthday and I've been working on a piece that I planned to give to him as a token of our friendship.

"Almost done. Just need a few more finishing touches." I said as I added more paint to my piece.

"Aaron, are you done yet!? You're going to be late!" Richard called for me.

"On my way!" I replied as I left it to dry.

I'll pick it up later. I thought to myself.

Timeskip (After Class)

"The painting's finished drying. Come and collect it once you're done." Richard told me.

"Thanks, Uncle." I replied.

"So. I heard you and Kalianna reconciled. Good on you." He said.

"Yeah. It's been a while since we last spoke." I replied, blushing lightly.

"It's a shame that you two broke it off in the past. You would make a great couple." He teased.

"Uncle. Kali and I are just friends." I sighed.

"For now~"

I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously. Has your dad always been such a downer. Doesn't he remember what it's like to wanna party?" I heard Nino whine.


" No. I'm sure he was a downer back then, too. At least I tried." Adrien said with a sigh.

"If your dad doesn't want you to celebrate your birthday like everyone else should, then you should tell him overwise." Kalianna said.

"Gotta go, Uncle." I said and hung up.

"It's your B-Day, man. Convince him." Ryder urged.

"If your dad doesn't let you enjoy your birthday, then he's a real ass." Jessica sighed.

"Jess!" Kalianna scolded.

"It's ok, Kalianna. She's not completely wrong." Adrien smiled.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" I called as I approached them.

"A-Ron, my man! Everything's going well. But, Adrien's dad won't let her have a birthday party." Nino replied.

"Sounds rough. Wonder why?" I asked.

"No clue." He replied with a shrug.

As the group was chatting, I noticed that Marinette was about to give Adrien a gift until she tripped over. Luckily, Alya caught her.

I got a bad feeling about this. I thought.

"I...I wanted to gift you a make. I mean, gift you a give I made, I mean..." She stuttered.

Adrien looked in confusion while Kalianna and Lily  sighed and shook her head. Suddenly, Chloe pushed Marinette out of the way while Gloria ignored her outright.

"Did you get my gift, Adrikins? Chloe asked.

"Yeah. It was good." Adrien replied.

"Happy birthday, Adrien." Gloria r said, handing him a present.

"Thank you, Gloria." The blonde replied with a smile.

Alya helped up Marinette as she glared at the blonde and the brunette. Suddenly, Adrien's phone rang.

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