Chapter 9: A Bird vs A Knight (Darkblade)

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Aaron POV

"Gloria is running for the class representative position and Chloé will be her deputy," Miss Bustier announced to the class, Chloé and Gloria by her side.

Today, we're voting who will be class representative and deputy. And of course, no doubt Chloe, Sabrina and Gloria are part of it.

As Ms Bustier was talking to the class, I thought back to the revelation that I found out from Mayor Andre and started to wonder if there was more about Gloria that meets the eye.

And I still need to find out more about my parent's past.

"Aaron,  why don't you run for Class Representative? You seem capable. " Marinette suggested to me, clearly not happy with the idea of Gloria being class representative.

"No thanks. I'm not interested." I replied to the bluenette.

"Alright, I'll give all of you till the end of lunch to decide if you like to be a candidate." Ms Bustier said.

Timeskip after Lunch

"So, any new candidates who would like to run against Gloria and Chloe?" Ms Bustier asked.

No one raised their hand. I looked over at Chloe, who had a smug look on her face. It's obvious that she voted for Gloria to be CR and somehow convinced everyone to vote for her as CD.

Talk about privilege. Or maybe Gloria's achievements proved that she's capable.

Ms Bustier shrugged and was about to announce her verdict until someone shouted out.

"I'll run!"

We looked to see Marinette with her hand up, much to almost everyone's confusion.

This is going to end badly.

Gloria POV

It's no surprise that Marinette wants to run for Class Representative. Just so that she can rub it in my face and then impress Adrien. Ever since the beginning, she's antagonized me and has also been lusting after Adrien

If this gets out of hand, I'll have no other choice but to go all out in exposing her. I thought.

Kalianna POV

"I can't imagine Marinette as a Class Representative." Jessica sighed as she and I shared a plate of strawberry mochi my mother made with our maid, Vanessa.

" Jessica sighed as she and I shared a plate of strawberry mochi my mother made with our maid, Vanessa

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"No kidding. I bet she's only doing it to get Adrien's attention. Honestly, I can't even deny it anymore." I replied as I took one mochi.

"I hope Adrien sees her true colours just like Ryder." Jessica sighs.

I nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, we got a text from Ryder that he got an invite at a party with Chloe and Gloria and asked if we could come.

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