Chapter 15: The Birth of Nightbird

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Kalianna POV

It's been a week ever since Zucco's arrest. Aaron hasn't arrived at school and rumours about Robin beating Zucco to near death spread like wildfire. And to make matters worse, Alya posted Zucco's beatdown in the Ladyblog because Ladybug somehow recorded it and gave it to Alya.

Now, Robin has a very mixed reputation and some say that he should step down from being a hero.

I, however, beg to differ.

After some time, I figured out that Aaron and Robin are the same person.

And the Pettirosso person was someone close to Aaron.

I tried to talk to Aaron, but he would often brush me off or say he's busy.

"Aaron, I wish I could help you." I sighed.

"Give him time. He'll come round." Vitto reassured me.

Next patrol, I'll talk to him.

 Aaron POV

It's a lot to take in.

I just found out that my father was the previous holder of the Robin miraculous and my mother and uncle knew about it for years. My parents were killed because of my father's actions as a vigilante.

I couldn't bring myself to face my friends since the rumours of my father's secret has been revealed to the whole of Paris. It was hard for my uncle to go to work with the paparazzi bombarding him with questions and I decided to take some time off from school to avoid confrontation from my classmates.

"Now, Robin is treated like an outcast because of Alya's stupid blog." I grumbled as I threw another dart at the board, getting a bullseye.

"I understand your frustration, but to be fair you did almost kill Zucco." Kraw replied as he ate another gummy worm.

I hummed in response as I launched another dart, hitting the number 10.

My thoughts turned to the man in the green turtle suit.

"Who was the guy that saved us?" I asked.

"That was the guardian of The Miracle Box. The one who gave you the robin miraculous." Kraw replied.

My eyes widened in shock. "For real?" 

Kraw nodded. "He saw something in you that made you my holder. The same with your father."

So that would explain the photo. So, that would mean my mother was the holder of the Leopard miraculous.

"I think we should find this guardian." I suggested.

"Should you transform?" Kraw asked me.

I shook my head and pulled on a dark blue jacket, grey tracksuit and black running shoes. "Robin is still treated as an outcast and the police don't trust him that much. And besides, it's been a while since I free run outside my costume."

Kraw shrugged and slipped into my jacket as I exited via the window and darted across the rooftops.

God, I forgot this feeling. I thought as I leaped across the gap and landed on another rooftop, rolling onto the gravel to take the impact.

After a 30 minute run, I arrived at a Chinese shop near the bank of the Seine. 

"This is the place." Kraw said.

"You sure?" I asked.

Kraw nodded.

I slid down the drainpipe until my feet hit the ground. As I walked in, an elderly Chinese man noticed me.

Miraculous Robin: A Bird in Paris (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now