Rest and Recoup

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Hey. Even the best have to relax sometimes.

"Oh shhhhhit!" Falcon cried as Riplash was ripped through the balcony entrance by Malices cabled sickles, leaving Falcon, Opuntia, and Pulse herself to finish off the Tracker Jackel alone.

"Hehehehe. Looks like you just lost your muscle." The creature hissed. Its mandables formed a sadistic grin as it gripped Opuntia by the throat, sinking its teeth into her shoulder.

Opuntia gave a cry of pain as its teeth sunk deep into her body, its mandables allowing the creature to latch onto her with an iron lock.

"Get it off, get it off!" She cried, sinking her claws into the monster, drawing heaps of greenish black ooze that gushed onto the floor.

Rushing to her aid, Pulse leaped onto the back of the larger creature, electricity coursing through her claws before sinking them deep into the back of the Tracker Jackel. Sending bolts of white hot energy donw its spine, loosening it's hold just enough to pry the parasite off.

"Burn the bitch!" Pulse cried, heaving the beast into the nearby wall. Falcon wasted no time in rearing his head back, unleashing a wall of flames that doused the Tracker Jackel in dragon fire. Its hellish screams of pain echoed off the walls, piercing her ears like millions of tiny needles stabbing her eardrums all at once over and over again.

"Shreeeeeeesshhhhhh!" It cried, barreling through them as it leaped out of the room and into the sky away from the battling duo several wingbeats away.

"Don't let it escape!" Falcon cried, leaping out of the window in hot pursuit. Followed by Opuntia and herself.

Skywing wings morphed out of the Tracker Jackels body, allowing it to rocket forward, leaving Opuntia in the dust as both Falcon and Pulse herself managed to keep up with the creature, following the trail of burnt flesh and scale that seeped off the creature.

"It's heading for the western mountains!" Pulse cried, charging a bolt of electricity. Its tingling sensation built up from her chest, then throat, before being unleashed like a bolt of lighting from a storm! Striking the wing of the monster, sending it reeling out of the sky before crashing into the side of the cliff face, crumbling to the ground on a large stone plateau.

Did I kill it?

It felt too easy. One blast to its wing, and it was done like that? No. It can't be dead now...

Can it?

Following behind Falcon. Pulse dived down onto the stone plateau, her claws clicking over the stone as she slowly approached the disgusting creature. How anyone could want to make something like this was beyond her understanding.

"Is it... dead?" She asked, inching closer to the creature. The sizzling hole in its wing, marking where her bolt of lighting struck.

"Umm... I think so. Excellent shot!" Falcon congratulated her, nudging her shoulder with his wing.

"Thanks!" A small blush forming on her face at the feel of his touch.

"Now to finish the job." He spoke stoutly, taking a deep as he prepared to unleash a wall of flames and torch the creature. Finally, this mission would be completed.

"You guys got it! Great shot, Pulse!" Talc cried, leaping over the plateau before stepping forward. His eyes raked over the Tracker Jackel behind them before resting back on her and Falcon.

"Thanks, Talc. We're about to finish this job and then go help Riplash!" She exclaimed quickly, twisting back around to finish the job when she was suddenly met with a face full of thick, leathery talons that wrapped around her face, throwing her violently against the rock wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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