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Stunned, I just stood there.
I couldn't move, I couldn't even think.
It was as I had turned into a statue.
Of course, a beautiful one of that.

When I slowly turned around, I droppet the apron I was about to put on. I saw the person standing behind me, leaning against the door with folded arms.
I stuttered "Wh-Wha-what are you d-doing here? Yo-You can't be in here. Get out!"

He snickered a bit, as to say, not going to happen. He answered me with a "Why do you think I'm here, my dear runaway bunnie? I am here to catch you, of course". On his face, there grew a smile, oh, what a wonderful smile.
Tsh, Kayden, get it together! He's gonna kidnap you and then sell you off!

"I'm not going with you. You tried to kidnap me, that's a felonie!".
He grinned "My dear bunnie, it isn't, you belong to me".
Stunned as I was. I walked over to him and slapped the stupidity out of him.

Surprised over what I just did, I hid my hand behind my back and said "That was self-defense. You kidnapped me, I hit you. That's only fair. Now, go before I call the cops!". I turned my back to him and walked over to the cabinet where my normal clothes were.

I heard him move, I was frightened, I thought, now, now I'm gonna get killed! Oh, and in an ugly place at that. Forgive me holy spirit because you have to collect my soul from this place!

I felt a grip on my shoulder, I was too scared to turn around. I closed my eyes as the grip on my shoulder hardened and began to turn me around to stand face to face with my probably killer.

A single tear felt from my eye. The silence, he hadn't said anything since I slapped him. I opened my eyes, and as my eyes looked up until they were high enough to reach his face, I saw the imprint of my hand on his left cheek.
It had a purple-red'ish color.
I really hit him hard.

When my eyes met his, I saw what color they were. Stunned of what I saw, I just stood there, with open eyes and mouth.
How beautiful. They were like the spring. Blue like the deepest crystal with an outline of dark, golden yellow'ish.
I have never in my life seen a pair of eyes like his. By the surprise of the eyes, I forgot to be scared in that moment, I just stood there.
It was too dark to see his eyes before this moment, but now.. wow.. just.. wow..

He smiled and said "Aren't you happy, that you belong to me, now?
I didn't really get what he was saying to starters, but the more it sank in, the more I understood.
I got back to reality while I coldly replied, "I belong to no one!"

I got a shilling feeling, like when you know something bad is about to happen.
I took a step back while looking at him.
He just stood there with a smile on his face. He reached his hand up and was about to touch my face. I turned my head away. "Don't you fucking dare touch me!"

He ignored what I said, he touched my face, first with one hand, and then with the other, cupping my face in his hands.
He slowly turned my face upward while bending his. I tried to get away, but he was too strong for a tiny omega like me.

He kissed my left cheek first, before moving over to my right cheek. I struggled to move away, but to no luck. When he was done kissing my right cheek, he slowly and gently kissed my forehead while he quietly said, "I dare to touch you,  because you are mine"
When he was done speaking, he moved his head down, so his lips slightly touched mine.

I clenched my teeth and pressed my lips together so he couldn't deepen the kiss.
All he was left with, was a peck.

I began to smell some fragrance-kinda smell. It had a deep musky rain smell to it. Like the one you smell when the warmth and rain gather in a forest.
The more I pressed my lips together,  the stronger the smell got.

"If you continue to press your lips together and not giving me access, the more you will suffer".
I was beginning to get lightheaded, and my thoughts were about to muddle together. The smell got stronger and stronger, and then it hit me! The fucking asshole was releasing his fucking pheromones!

"STOP! Please stop" I tried to yell, but it were only a whisper.
The moment I talked, was the moment he jammed his tongue into my mouth and kissed me hard. I could feel some of my hidden pheromones release as a sign to his.

My world was crumbling down, and all I could do, was to kiss him back. Oh, I hate being an omega, I thought.
I got a bit of my senses back when he turned his pheromones release down.
"Now, you are mine".

He swept my body up in his arms, opened the door and walked out.
I wasn't all back yet. My body was weak, and I couldn't lift a finger. The only thing I could do was, were to close my eyes and silently cry.

He walked down the corridor and out to the bar. When I heard all the noises from the customer and music, I slowly opened my tearful eyes and saw the bar getting quieter the longer we were in it. Before reaching the door, the only noise you could hear was of the music playing in the background. I tried looking for my boss, or just someone who could help me, but there were no one. They were all sunk from this earth.

Stunned I looked closer, and I saw a few gangster looking guys standing around us, like to form a circle.
I saw the scar faced gangster among them, when I looked at him, I saw he was black-purple'ish around the right eye, and had a new wound on his chin.

The alpha holding me quietly whispered in my ear "Don't look, you dare to look at another guy in my presence, I will kill everyone you look at, be it children, adults, elders. Everyone will get killed, so, dont look".

I stopped breathing, I was too stunned to speak, breath, think or look at anything.
Why did my life turn out like this?
I don't get it. Ealier, I was only out for food, and now. Now I hot kidnapped by gangsters!
I whispered "Are you going to kill me also? Even though my life sucks, it is my only one, I don't get another chance".
He smiled sweet and said for my ears only "In my presence, you will never get hurt, you are mine, and everyone knows that now".

I closed my eyes and accepted my faith, of course, only at this moment.
I could always escape again!

The Omega Bunnie And The Big Bad Alpha Wolf [BL OMEGAVERSE]Where stories live. Discover now