The execution of the plan

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Note: Sorry, I've been too busy to do anything, but now, I'm done with chapter and hoping I can get some more chapters done before it's getting busy again. I hope you enjoy.

I start taking some ingredients out from the cooling room and the pantry.
After I got the right ingredients on the table I see Lihanna walk into the kitchen, prepared to be my 'helper'.
"What are we making. You have the recipe." I say, the only think I know, is what's I had to take out from the list, but I didn't get any informations about the food other than what I should take out of ingredients.
"We're gonna start making Chicken Alexandra." Lihanna says and continues with. "It's an easy recipe and it doesn't matter how it taste since you aren't going to finish,  plus, we have to work with hot oil and a sharp knife all the through the process."
"Oh, okay, sounds like a good plan of food making." I say.
"Let's get started, you can start with washing the vegetables and cut the chicken up after." Lihanna guides me.

I wash the vegetables and get started on cutting the chicken, I'm not familiar with cutting a chicken up, but I do it as good as I can, it doesn't have to be perfect, it's only a matter of believing we did it.
In the next couple of minutes I concentrate on the chicken, not giving it much fun, while thinking. This could have been fun and a great dish, if I didn't have to run away from that madman.
Oh well, the time to be cutting something else is nearing. It has to be happening around the next 20 minutes or so. We didn't plan what we was doing when I had to slice my hand open, but I guess it's safer to do it with the vegetables than with the meat.

While thinking how to slice my hand and where I didn't see Lihanna approach me and when she talked I jerked a little and that resulted in me slicing my hand, all natural. "Auch, like hell that hurts!" I yell I'm surprised.
Did I just cut myself outside the plan? What the fuck? I look at my masterpiece and see it's bleeding heavily.
"Oh well, that's one way to do it." Lihanna says with a hint of enjoyment.
"Fucking hell! And I did it too well at that, apparently!" I say with a clump attached in my throat.
This really hurt! Maybe I should just forget the plan and rush to the emergency room and stay.
"Well, the plan is started, prepare for next step. Oh, put some pressure on that wound of yours, you can't die just yet." Lihanna says.
We rush out of the kitchen and through the hall down to the door, to get outside. 
"Call the hospital, we have a man down, I repeat, man down!" I yell. Just to put some fun into this situation.
I see the guards jump towards me, while one of them is holding a phone up to his ear, I guess he's talking to Valentin right now. When he puts the phone down, mine begins to ring. I let Lihanna take it out of my pocket and put it up to my ear, while still holding it for me.
"Hey, I'm kinda busy right now, can I call you later?" I say to the person.
"Bunnie, what are you doing? You aren't the food, you know that, right?" I hear Valentin say.
"Oh, is that right? Guess I cut into the wrong meat then." I jokingly say.
"Stop joking, get to the hospital fast! I'll be meeting you there!" He says.
"No! I can do this by myself! Just stay there, we see each other later, oh, and we should postpone the dinner, I'm not gonna be able to make it today." I say.
"That's alright, just get to the hospital and we talk later." He says and hangs up.
I sigh of relief. He won't come, that's great!
I look down at my hand while we drive off. It looks bad, but it shouldn't be too bad. It kinda looks like what I imagined the cut I would do on purpose,  so that's good.

We reach the emergency place and I step out with Lihanna and the guards. There's two guards, one of them drove, and the other one sat beside him, while Lihanna sat beside me in the back of the car, helping with my hand.
I see there's some doctors standing ready to help me, I guess Valentin have called them and said they should be ready for me. They guides me in and towards a room. The room was big and had two doors. One we came through and another one on the other side.
That's my escape door.
I look at Lihanna, to tell her silently that, that's my escape door and she have to be sure there's no guards on that side.
She nods as if she understood my silently thoughts. She go over to the door we came through, opens it and say to the guards, "Both of you, stay here, let's not ruin the mood today, okay?"
"Yes miss." they replied and looked forward again.

The doctor came after a while, looked at my hand and said it needed stitches, "Young man, you were lucky it wasn't bad and only needs 2 stitches, I'll get someone to stitch you up so you can return home."
"Thank you doctor. Let's not meet like this again." I say with a smile.
"Well, unfortunate things happens, but have a good day." The doctor said and walked off.
"Now's the time for me to get going!" I said and hopped down from the bed I sat on. I took some gaze from the table, wrapped up my hand and took my stuff.
"I don't hope we meet again, so, take care!" I said to Lihanna while walking over to the door and opened it quietly. I looked outside and saw no one were in the hallway. Yes! One step closer to freedom. I thought while walking off as quietly and fast as I could.

Down the hall, turn left, and then continue a bit more forward, then I'll be out in the free! I thought as I walked.
Dreadful eternity later I was outside, smelling the fresh air! I did it! Now, let's run like the devil's behind me! I run as fast as I can without even stopping for air. I continued for what felt like 1 hour, even though it might as well be 10 minutes. I'm free, and that's what's important, I can breath later when I'm safe and sound without getting caught.
I'm under a bridge trying to get some air down into my lungs without collapsing.
"Pew, that was enough running for a lifetime!" I hoarsly say.
I look at the backpack and zip it open to get the map and phone inside.
The phone is an old one without the newest setting. It could call and receive calls, and that's it! I look at the map. Hmm I'm maybe 3 kilometers from my first hiding place. I sigh and begins to pack up and start walking again. Maybe 1 hour later I get to the hiding spot and rush in. It would be devastating if I got caught now!

The place isn't fancy or anything, it only has one tiny room and a bathroom. The room has a tiny bed and a table. Nothing else. Oh well, I only have to be here for one day. I thought. Am I already spoiled after being in that big mansion? Sigh.
I get undressed and take a fast shower, I wash the clothes I had one in the sink and let it air dry.
Walking towards the bed in a towel I lay down and take a deep breath and slowly begin to feel the sore muscles. I close my eyes and slowly drift away to dream-land. I succeeded. Was the last words I thought before sleeping.


I get a call. "Boss, he escaped." I hear the person say the phone.
"How do we handle the situation, we searched everywhere but he's nowhere to be seen. I have miss Lihanna here and she says she only turned her eyes away from him no more than 2 seconds."
He continued to say in the phone.
"Wait where you are. I'll be there in less than 10 minutes, secure the place and don't let miss Lihanna go anywhere before I arrives." I say.
"Copy." He says in the phone and I hang up.
Oh bunnie, you really did it. Now comes the fun part, catching you again and then lock you up so you can't escape, ever again. I smirkingly thought.
I arrived to the hospital and walked towards the room I escaped from. I could see people being anxious while I was walking. I walked into the room, saw Lihanna sitting quietly on the bed.
"Lihanna." I say and she looks up.
"Master, he escaped,  I'm so sorry, I don't know what to do." She said with tear rolling down her cheeks.
I walk over to her, when I was standing right before her, she looked up at me.
Before she could even blink, I gave her the biggest and loudest slap so she flew down on the floor.
I could hear breaths stops behind me.
Lihanna looked up at me again, now from the floor while holding one hand on her left cheek.
"You are lucky." I say to her.
"I would have killed you if we weren't in this place. Mark my words, if we don't catch him in less than 3 days, you'll suffer for each day that passes. Jules, take har away and lock her up in the usual place."
"Yes boss." Jules said and grabbed Lihanna and pulled her after him.
"Faster!" Jules commanded before walking off with Lihanna.
"Mick, get the security tapes from this place and watch which way he walked off in." I say.
"Yes sir!"
"Bunnie, Bunnie, this wolf is right behind you." I say with a smile before walking out of the room and towards the car." Letting my minions handle Lihanna and the security tapes.
I have to prepare for his return. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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