October 31st, 2019

159 2 0

My dreams were filled with memories, of Gator. Us hanging out in the creek behind his house, him crying every once in a while about his dad, talking about our dreams- I've always wanted to be a ballerina, he wanted a rock band. I really wish I hadn't left him.

I felt something nudge my shoulder gently.

"Come on sleeping beauty, wake up." Gators voice says.

I turn over to face him, rubbing my eyes a little.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks me.

"Alright, you?" I ask.

"Fine." He says.

He's wearing a white tank top and black pants and I see his shoulder.

I trace the black ink on his arm.

"You got a tattoo?" I ask.

"Uh that? Oh that's uh... I was drunk." He says.

I try to stifle a laugh.

"It's not funny!" He says.

"LOL?" I ask.

"Just shut up." He says, trying to hold in a laugh too.

"Come on, we've got a big day ahead of us." He says, extending a hand.

I grab it and he pulls me to my feet.

I get changed into black combat boots, army green pants and a long sleeve black t shirt.

"You're gonna be freezing your ass off." Gator says.

"I forgot to pack my jacket. Shit. I was just in such a rush." I say.

"No, no, it's okay. Borrow one of mine." He says, handing me a big black jacket.

I put it on.

"Looks nice on you." He says.

"Thanks." I say.

He hands me some gloves so I put them on too.

"You know what? Let me get you a hat too." He says.

"Man, I'll have the full Gator look soon." I say.

He chuckles and puts a stark county sheriff hat on my head.

"I love playing dress up with you." I say.

He laughs and we grab our stuff and head downstairs. Man, I wish we could be together again like this all the time.

"Where are you goin' son?" Roy asks.

"To uh prepare for tonight." He says.

"Okay. Don't do anything stupid." He says.

"Yeah, yeah, of course not. Bye dad." He says.

We walk out to Gator's truck and get in.

"I'm not sure I'm too thrilled with the idea of you driving with this broken arm." I say.

"Well too bad." He says and I giggle.

We start driving to get breakfast first.

We sit in silence for a while until Gator starts talking.

"You know, you could've called." He says.

"Gator. I'm sorry." I say.

"I just don't understand why you up and left one day." He says.

"Because I fuckin' had to." I say.

"I couldn't stand to be here any longer. You know how your dad is." I continue.

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