November 4th, 2019

83 2 0

We get to the tunnel entrance and I fling the door open. I grab Gator's hand again and we hurry through the tunnels, towards the ladder. Gator suddenly stops before we start climbing.

"Hey, wait." He says. I look at him. "I uh found this ring.. when we were doing the room makeover.." he says, pulling out a small gold ring with a red stone from his pocket. "My mom.. she said to give it to the girl I loved more than anything so..." He gets on one knee. "Birdie Kennedy, will you marry me?"

He asks. I stand there, in shock for a second and then a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Yes!" I exclaim, hugging him and giving him a kiss.

"Really?" He asks.

"I mean, that might've been the craziest proposal in history but hell yes!" I tell him.

"Sorry, I know it's a little weird but I just thought y'know if we didn't make it.. I wanted you to know how much I love you." He says.

"Gator. We're making it out. And we're going to have a perfect wedding." I say.

I start climbing the ladder and Gator goes behind me. We climb as fast as we can. We reach the top and I pull Gator out then we close the hatch. We start running towards the army, waving our arms.

"OVER HERE! HEY!" We yell, until they notice us and have a car drive over. 2 FBI agents get out.

"Names?" They ask.

"Gator Tillman and Birdie Kennedy." I tell them. "We want to help." I say.

"Alright then." They say.

We get in their car and they drive us over to where the rest of the army is.

We see Roy on the porch, walking towards Karen but then Dot comes out of nowhere, holding a gun. I can't hear what they're saying then suddenly the gun goes off and Roy is shot in the side. Roy runs off and Witt comes to the porch and helps Nadine while the rest of the army infiltrates the house.

"NADINE!" I yell, trying to get to her but Gator holds me back.

"He's got her it's okay Birdie, he's got her!" Gator tells me. I break free from his grasp, staying low to the ground. Witt runs off after Roy before I reach Nadine but I get to her pretty soon after.

"Hey!" I say, putting a hand on her shoulders. Gator comes up behind me and startles me a bit on accident.

"He's going for the tunnels!" Gator exclaims.

"Come on!" I say to Nadine, I grab her hand, getting her out of the Ranch, holding Gators hand.

We get out of the ranch and walk Nadine over to the police.

"He's going for the tunnels, where we came from." Gator tells the FBI agents.

We get in the car with the 2 agents and drive over to the exit of the tunnels. We wait for Roy to get out. Eventually, the lid shifts and he comes out.

The agents cuff him. "It was your son who gave you out by the way." They say. I look at Gator and give him a peck on the cheek.

We get back to where Nadine is and there's an ambulance there, carrying Witt.

Gator walks over to Witt, who's been shot.

"Hey." He says to Witt.

"I heard what you did, ratting out your dad. You're a good man." Witt tells him.

"I'm sorry." Gator says. "I was a shitbird to you."

"I forgive you." Witt says.

They load Witt into the ambulance and take him to the hospital. Nadine says thank you to him before they go.

We walk over to Nadine who hugs me immediately. "Thank you so much for helping me." She says.

"What? You got out on your own." I say.

"You're a good friend, Birdie." She says.

I hug her again. Gator steps out from behind me after I finish hugging her.

"I'm sorry Nadine." He says, shakily, trying not to cry.

"It's okay, it's over now." She says to Gator and hugs him too.

"Can we still see you?" He asks.

"Of course, hon. We'll have oatmeal raisin cookies next time I see you, you still like those?" She asks.

"Yeah." He says quietly with a smile. I take his hand and we get into a car with Nadine, taking us to her house. I guess we'll be staying here for a bit, until we can get a place of our own. Nadine is thrilled to hear we're engaged, thrilled that Witt will be out of the hospital soon, and even more thrilled to be home. Everything really worked out in the end.

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