November 2nd, 2019

92 1 0

I woke up, my head still on Gator's chest. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up a little bit.

"Mornin' beautiful." Gator said.

"Mornin'' I say.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks.

"I slept well." I say.

"Me too. I've got to get up now though... Deal with that guy." He says.

"Alright, let's go." I say.

"Birdie. Please. I really don't want you comin' okay?" He says.

"Gator, I'm goin'." I say, firmly.

"Birdie." He says. "You don't want to see this."

"Gator, how many times I gotta tell you? I've seen it all okay?" I say.

"Birdie, you're staying here." He says.

"Why are you being like this? Gator, you act like I haven't worked for Roy too." I say.

"C'mon, Kennedy." He says.

"Fine, if you wanna play that game, Tillman." I say.

"Don't call me that." He says.

"And why not? You're callin' me Kennedy!" I say, exasperated.

"Jesus, I'm just trying to help you, okay?" He says.

I take a breath.

"You know what? Fine. Go take care of him." I say.

"Thank you." He says, getting up and walking out.

I know he's right. I really don't want to see that. But he doesn't want to do it either and I want to make it easier on him. Whatever. I get up and walk into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair and get ready, putting on black jeans, a black long sleeve, and my boots. Gator is wearing the black jacket he gave me the other day, so I grab the plaid one he gave me yesterday. I take the gloves he's letting me borrow too. I head downstairs and grab some breakfast, heading back upstairs.

I eat breakfast and pace around Gator's room for a bit. After a while, I hear voices from downstairs, so I go to check it out.

"Got Nadine's husband in the box when you're ready." Gator says, as I come down the stairs.

"I'm Nadine's husband." Roy says.

"Sure. Uh, uh what I meant was the car salesman's in the abattoir ready to talk." Gator says, a little nervously.

"Did you soften him up a little bit?" Aks Roy.

"Oh, he's still got all his teeth if that's what you're asking but only cause they're in there pretty good." Gator tells his dad.

Gator sees me in the kitchen as he's grabbing an apple. He immediately tenses up.

"Crying like a little girl?" Roy asks.

"He's pissed. I'll tell you that, called me a few names I haven't heard since grade school." He chuckles. "Swears we got the wrong guy which is like, nice try asshole." He says.

There's a sinking feeling in my stomach. Shit. With everything yesterday, I forgot Roy still doesn't know he's not Wayne.

"Thought you said he was soft." Roy says.

"Well, he had a pretty good shock at the house, y'know" Gator says as he puts his feet up on the table. "Finger in the old light socket, sometimes that scrambles the brain. You hear those stories right? My husband ain't the man I married since the lightning struck." He tells Roy as he takes a bite out of the apple.

Roy gives him an irritated look.

"What?" Gator asks, confused.

Roy knocks his feet off of the table and Gator flinches.

They walk out of the house and I follow them.

"Where you been?" Asks Roy.

"Asleep, sorry." I say.

"I hired you to help him not to sleep." Roy says.

"We've been wearing kerchiefs on our faces so he don't recognize us later." Gator says, handing one to his dad, who ignores him, so he hands it to me. I take it and pull it up over my nose.

I hear yelling from inside the shed. "Don't you understand?! I don't know what the fuck you're talking about!" The man yells. "Oh who's this then, king of the idiot brigade, eh?" He says, as Roy walks into the shed. Gator follows behind him and I'm behind Gator. Once I'm in the shed, I have to stifle a gasp as I look at the man. He's beaten half to death. It's a horrible sight.

"Let me tell you what I told these other 2 morons, you kidnapped the wrong chump, I've got friends in high places. And when they get through with you, you're gonna wish you were a horse at a glue factory." He threatens Roy, maniacally.

Roy looks at him for a moment and raises his gun. I realize what's about to happen, but it's too late. Roy shoots the man in his head and I gasp, frozen.

"Jesus!" Gator yells, shocked. "What the hot fuck dad?!" He exclaims.

"I thought this one was supposed to stay in the car." Roy says to Bowman. I want to throw up. That was probably the worst thing I've ever seen and I've seen some bad things working with Roy.

"Yeah." Bowman says.

"So you're an idiot too?" Roy asks.

"How are we supposed to get her back now.... You killed our leverage." Gator says to Roy.

"That's not him, genius. You grabbed the wrong patsy!" Roy says, annoyed.

"What? No. I was in the car, that's his fuck up." Gator says.

"He was in the room this guy, name was on the door, don't know what else we could've done." Bowman tells Roy.

"He's right." I say.

"See?" Gator asks.

"Thought you said you saw the car salesman in his house on Halloween." Roy says.

"Yeah." Gator confirms.

"Said you got a good look at him." Roy says.

"It was dark, okay? And on fire and..." Gator chuckles. "I... he grabbed him! Said we got the guy. It's the...what do you... Power of suggestion.." Gator tells him nervously.

I sigh.

Roy, Gator and I walk out of the shed.

"Son, you've got a bad luck problem." Roy tells him.

Gator looks confused.

"Somewhere out there, there's an upside down horseshoe with your name on it." Roy finishes.

"I'm just off my game is all. You know I'm a winner! All state quarterback, crack shot, knocking all the pins down with my eyes closed... That's your boy. Not this.. puke pile." Gator says.

I feel bad for him. Gosh he's just so brainwashed. I hate Roy Tillman more than anything.

"Alright, I think I know where you got that thorn in your paw. Get in the car." He tells Gator.

"You too." He says to me.

"Where we going?" Gator asks.

"To pay the Boogeyman." Roy says.

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