Epilogue- November 5th, 2020

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Gator and I had a beautiful wedding ceremony yesterday. Nadine was my maid of honor, Witt was his best man. And Witt's girlfriend, Indira was there. She was so nice! I hope we become friends! I also had a couple friends from the ballet studio and of course a few of Gator's pals. We got married in the creek and had the reception at Nadine's place, just a nice small wedding. Witt and Nadine come over at least once a week for oatmeal raisin cookies. Man, this past year has been rough. Gator almost went to prison actually, but since he testified against his dad, they let him off Scott free! Roy on the other hand... Is in for life, Karen for a few years too and Nadine's mother in law is making prison a living hell for Roy. We have our own place now, in Minnesota, not too far from Nadine. I do ballet performances at our local theatre and I make enough from that job to have it be my full career! Gator is the deputy of our county and he's started a garage band with a few of the guys in the neighborhood. They're called "Cymbalism" I helped come up with that. We also have Gator's dog- Gator jr and his turtle! As a wedding present, we also adopted an adorable black cat who we call "Star" because Gator says that I'm a star! Also, Munch freed Nadine but then came back for her and Nadine gave him biscuits or something and now he's a really loveable guy? I don't know, it's kind of hard to wrap your head around. All I know is he's not coming after us anymore. Oh yeah! And once we got settled we both started going to therapy! Lord knows we need it... I hated that ranch, even though it was like my home, I can't believe I really clicked my heels 3 times for that mission, I mean imagine if I hadn't? Well, you know what they say- there's no place like home.

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