November 3rd, 2019

67 1 0

We get out of the car, get inside and walk up to Gator's room while Roy takes Nadine to the barn.

"What the hell was that?" I ask, angrily, sitting down on his bed.

"What?" He asks, rubbing his forehead.

"You don't get to be a sexist asshole just cause you don't like that Witt is trying to help dot." I say, glaring at him.

"C'mon, my dad was there, what was I supposed to do?" He asks, irritated.

"You could've just told him 'stay out of it' or whatever! I could think of a hundred different things." I say.

"And then my dad would've said 'what the hell was that? Stop being a sissy, he's not gonna stay out of it just cause you tell him to'" he explains.

"Look Gator, at some point you need to stand up to him, he's poisoning your life!" I tell him.

"And then what? He beats the shit out of me? You know that's not an option." He tells me.

He's right. I know he is. I sigh. "I just love you and I don't want you to end up like him." I say.

He walks over to the bed and looks down at me. He takes my hand and sits down.

"I won't. I promise. I'm just.... Really angry. All the time. And I can't take it out on him. And I don't know what to do, you know?" He asks.

"It's okay to be angry, you have every right to be angry. But you have to find another way to deal with that, okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, you're right." He says as I rub his back.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"I'm not who you need to apologize to." I tell him.

"I don't know if I'll ever see him again, but if I do I'll apologize." He says.

I give him my pinkie and he hands me his.

"Pinkie promise?" I ask.

"Pinkie promise." He says, with a small giggle.

"Hey, you wanna go explore the tunnels?" He asks.

"The what?" I ask.

"I've never shown you the passageways or anything?" He asks.

"What, no?" I say, confused.

"Well, c'mon' then!" He says, getting up and grabbing my hand. I take it and follow him.

We go into Roy's room and he opens the closet door.

"Uh, Gator, you sure we should be in here?" I ask, nervously.

"It's alright, come on!" He tells me.

I follow him into a little trap door that leads into the kitchen.

"Whoa, these are all over?" I ask.

"Yeah, I can't believe I didn't show you em!" He says.

He shows me so many secret passages in his house and then he leads me outside.

"What's out here?" I ask.

"I'll show you!" He says.

I follow him to a bunker-looking door.

"These are the tunnels." He tells me.

"Holy shit." I say.

I follow him through the narrow, uneven tunnels. We finally get to an opening. There's a ladder, leading to a covered opening. We start climbing it and Gator reaches the top. I stop climbing for a second and he lifts the hatch and climbs out. He holds out a hand to me and I take it as he helps me out.

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