November 4th, 2019

70 1 0

I wake up, adrenaline pumping. I didn't sleep all night. I check my phone immediately. Still nothing from Gator. I get up and put on my army print pants, a black tank, combat boots and Gator's black jacket. I head downstairs to see Roy looking concerned.

"You seen him?" He asks me.

"Not since the debate. He went for a drive and didn't come back." I say.

"Well go look for him then. I'm sending you on it. If you can't find him come back here, he's not important right now. Nadine's missing too, and we've got an army after us." He tells me.

"Alright, I'm on it." I say. Where the hell is Nadine? Why wouldn't she wait for me to get her out? And what the hell does he mean Gator isn't important right now? That's his son. Also- an army?!! I'm thinking how I can help Gator when suddenly it hits me. I grab my phone and go upstairs. I open up his laptop and ping his phone.

I see a small dot on the screen actually not too far from here. I get in my car and drive as fast as I can to that spot. I pull up there pretty quick. I'm next to Gator's car and I can see his phone inside. I see a shack in the distance. I open Gator's car since the door is locked and I grab his gun just in case. I walk towards the shack, sneakily and look into the window.

Gator is in there, tied to a chair. That munch guy is heating a knife by the fire. I thought he was dead, what's happening right now?

"I got a fuckin' flame thrower." I hear Gator trying to negotiate with him.

Munch doesn't move.

"FUCKER, IM TALKIN' TO YA!" Gator yells.

Munch walks over to him and starts speaking nonsense. Gator falls over in the chair.

"HELP! HELP!" He screams. Munch leans over him with the knife and I panic and burst through the door.


Munch, startled drops the knife.

"The boy is getting his karma." He says.

"No." I say sternly.

"Look, you want to get back at Roy, is that it? Cause both of us is better than just him. Hm? We both stay alive and we both betray Roy. I'm Roy's secret weapon. And Gator is obviously his son. If we both betray him, help Dot? That will destroy him. Which is better than just doing whatever you were about to do to Gator, right?" I say.

"Smart girl." He says.

"But I will go with you. To make sure you keep your word." He says.

"Okay. Let's go." I say.

He hands me the knife and I rush over to Gator and cut the ropes. As soon as his hands are free, he throws them around me. He's shaking. I hug him back, tightly.

"I thought I'd never see you again." He said crying.

"It's okay, Gator I'm here. Don't worry. Come on, let's go home." I say, helping him to his feet.

He won't let go of my hand and we hold hands all the way to my car. We leave Gator's car there for now but we grab his phone. He's still holding my other hand while I drive. Munch is in the back. Something happened to Gator's brain in there, something's different about him. I guess when you see death face to face like that, something happens.

We get back to the ranch. We pull in through the back, where the police aren't there. We get out of the car and walk up to Roy.

"Dad!" Gator says, running up and hugging Roy.

"Get off of me." He says, pushing Gator off.

"I'm sorry, dad. You told me to let it go and I couldn't." Gator says through tears.

"There's no point to you. You're useless. I wish he'd just killed you and gotten it over with." Roy says to Gator.

"Dad?" He asks looking up at him, heartbroken beyond words. Roy hits Gator across the face. Gator just sits there crying.

"Can't even hit back. Like a fuckin' girl." He says.

Something in me snapped. I've had enough of Roy Tillman.

"You know what Roy? Your son might not hit back but I fucking do." I say and punch him right in the face.

He stands there shocked for a moment, I don't think anyone's hit him back in decades. I take the opportunity to knee him in the crotch while he stands there shocked.

"Let's go!" I yell to Gator, grabbing his hand and running towards the tunnels. Munch has already disappeared somewhere.

We run as fast as we can towards the tunnels, hoping we can make it.

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