Given A New Role

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Mike was desperate for a job, after being fired after a misunderstanding. Money wasn't coming in and without a steady flow of income, his Aunt Jane would try to use that to get custody of Abby.

Mike couldn't let this happen, for he knew that the only thing that his aunt cared about was money, she wouldn't give Abby the proper care she needed.

After getting some helpful advice from the kind service worker, Mike decided to start looking for a job, but the only way he could do this was through his career counselor, Steve Raglan.

Mike set up the appointment, and the day after he was able to meet with him. Mike was worried about meeting Steve, Mike knew the man had his records of the previous times he was fired and why, so Mike hoped that Steve wouldn't be biased and would be able to help him.

Just as Mike worried, Steve had his records on file, looking through them and talking about how Mike didn't have a lot of options. And then Steve looked at his name, hesitating pronouncing his last name.

Then abruptly Steve asked if he wanted some coffee, despite all the sleeping pills he had been taking, Mike agreed.

Which was a grave mistake, because after Mike took the first sip of that coffee, he was out.


When Mike woke up, he was in an unfamiliar place. He sat up from the cold concrete floor, and looked around at the 4 barren walls of the room he was in, there was a steel door in the middle of the room.

Mike apparently was also wearing a different set of clothes, instead of the simple suit and pants he had been wearing previously, were now replaced with a gray t-shirt, and black basketball shorts.

This weirded Mike out, he doesn't remember changing, meaning that someone else did. How did he even end up here? He remembered going to an interview to talk with Steve.

Realization struck Mike, His Coffee. Mike had drugged him. Is he the one that brought him to this unfamiliar place? If so, why?

Mike got up, and walked over to the metal door, to find that it was locked. He tried screaming out for anyone that might hear, but guessing by the thickness of the door, no one could hear him.

It's not like he could break down the door, so instead Mike sat down and waited.


It felt like hours passed before he heard the metal door open.

And in walked Mike's career Counselor. He wore a formal dark purple suit, the man looked in amusement at Mike's confusion and betrayal.

"Where am i? Why did you bring me here?" Mike asked.

"You're in my house, in the basement, where you will be staying for a while." the older man said.

"Why?" Mike asked. The fake career counselor snickered.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked.

"Steve Raglan." Mike answered.

"Wrong, my real name is William Afton. And I'm the one who killed your brother." William said.

Mike was taken aback by this. Mike had spent so long looking for his brother with the hope that he was still alive, he had taken a dangerous amount of sleeping pills to at least get a glimpse of the face of the man who took Garrett. And here he was, standing before Mike.

"How Could You, Why!" Mike yelled.

"For the simple fact that it was fun, he wasn't the only kid that I killed either." William bragged.

"They Were children. What's Wrong With You?" Mike screamed.

"It doesn't matter the age, I highly enjoy killing. Heck, I even killed my previous clients before you, I'm not discriminatory towards age." William stated.

"So that's it, you're gonna kill me now too?" Mike asked.

"Not exactly. I'm not lying when I said I enjoy killing, but it's gotten a bit old. Find a target, seeing them alive, then taking their life in a painful way. It's all the same no matter the age." William said.

"So what?" Mike asked.

"I wanted to try something different, I want to cause pain without killing, while also finding some satisfaction for myself along the way." William explained.

"I don't understand." Mike said.

"Look, I have a daughter. When she was younger, I would always surprise her with a new toy I got from one of my victims. And she would enjoy playing with that toy for many many months, untill she got bored with it and found another hobby to occupy her time." William explained.

"Your point?" Mike asked.

"You're my new toy, and I'm gonna enjoy playing with you." Willaim answered.

"Not if I have anything to say about it." Mike said, running towards the door. He was still feeling groggy from the drugs, but he wasn't gonna let that stop him from trying to escape.

When Mike almost reached the door, William grabbed his arm, twisting it in a way causing it to snap.

Pain flared through Mike's body, William had just broken his arm. Mike wanted to scream. Willaim shoved Mike to the floor, looking at him disappointedly.

"If you want to enjoy your time here Mike, then you need to learn how to be complacent." William said.

"I'm not gonna be your toy, old man." Mike said through gritted teeth, holding his arm.

"If you're not gonna be a good boy, then you're going to have to be punished." William stated.

"Screw you." Mike said. William snickered.

"This is going to be fun." William said.


Book 1: I Always Come Back, I Promise (Five Nights At Freddy's Movie Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now