Say You're Sorry

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Vanessa was scared of what she was about to see when she walked down into the basement. It was still early in Mike's captivity, so hopefully her father didn't do too much damage.

She opened the door to see the young man, no older than her leaned up against the wall. Despite the bandage around his arm, it was bleeding profusely. He looked dazed, almost out of it. Thanks to Vanessa's police training, she knew that he'd been drugged and was in a lot of pain.

Before she could approach him, Mike moved slightly, which caused him to fall over onto the floor. Vanessa quickly went to Mike, looking at him with great worry.

Mike looked up at her, then passed out. Vanessa felt bad for him, she didn't know the man, but she knew enough about him to know that he didn't deserve this.

She kneeled down next to Mike, and inspected the poorly bandaged arm. She carefully removed the bandage, only to reveal the almost mangled look of the deep cuts on his arm. It was gross to look at, but sadly it wasn't the worst thing she ever saw.

Vanessa was glad Mike was asleep, because cleaning the blood off his arm, disinfecting the arm, then bandaging it would've hurt. But she assumed Mike already knew this, seeing that her father already crappily bandaged his arm, obviously without any care whether it hurt Mike or not.

After completing the cleaning process, Vanessa finally bandaged his arm. Carefully laying it down on the ground when she was done.

She looked at Mike's face, with hope that he found comfort in sleep, but looking at his face, he was obviously having a nightmare. About what? She didn't know.

Vanessa didn't know whether she was allowed to stay or not, but she didn't want to leave Mike all alone. After a few seconds, Vanessa decided she would stay with Mike until he woke up.


Mike was in those woods again, running after that car and screaming for his brother. He didn't know why he still screamed for Garret, he was dead, and Mike had found the man who killed him. More like the man found him. Now Mike was stuck in his basement.

William Afton was his name, might as well be the name of the Devil.

Mike woke up to see the angel again, but this time he saw that the person in front of him wasn't an angel at all, but a normal girl.

Mike was confused, why was this random woman here? Was she trapped too?

Mike looked at his arm, seeing that it was no longer bloody and professionally rewrapped with fresh bandages. William had told him that his daughter was a certified EMT.

Was this his daughter, was she also an enemy?

Mike sat up, moving so that his back was against the wall, he looked at her.

"Who are you?" Mike asked.

"My name is Vanessa." She answered.

"You the certified EMT?" Mike asked. Vanessa regretfully nodded.

"You're his daughter then, are you going to hurt me too?" Mike asked.

"Goodness no, I would never do such a thing." Vanessa said.

"Ok." Mike stated. Vanessa stared at him sadly.

"Are you going to help me out of here?" Mike asked.

"I can't." Vanessa said.

"Why not?" Mike asked.

"My father is a cruel man, I may not be physically stuck here like you. But I'm still trapped." Vanessa said.

Book 1: I Always Come Back, I Promise (Five Nights At Freddy's Movie Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now