Baiting The Bad Boy

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Mike didn't lie if he admitted that his arm hurt. William, which was apparently his 'career counselors' real name, had snapped his arm after his attempt at escape, which was obviously no fun.

After shoving him to the floor and commenting on how "This was going to be fun." William had left, Mike had expected him to do something.

But all William did was leave, saying that he would be back soon and Locking the metal door behind him, going to wherever. Mike didn't know, nor did he care. He didn't want to see that man again.

But if William didn't return, that would mean that Mike was stuck here. And that wasn't good, he needed to get back to his sister, she was probably worried.

Hopefully. Mike wasn't so sure, actually thinking about it now.

His sister was closed off, she didn't talk much, or show much emotion. All she did was draw, and despite Mike being the center of most of them, he still questioned whether she would miss him.

Mike wasn't dumb to think that Abby was blissfully unaware of their situation, she knew that they weren't getting much money. But even still she never complained, she acted like everything was simply ok, while not acting or saying anything at all.

Mike loved his sister dearly, and all he wanted to do was give her the happy life she deserved. Abby noticed the "Visit Nebraska" poster on Mike's ceiling, and asked when he would go.

Mike had told her that it wasn't a location he wanted to exactly visit, the image of the poster simply helped him sleep.

After telling Mike how silly that was, then she made the comment on how she would like to go to Nebraska, not for the woods, but for the beaches.

Mike made a promise to her that they would go to Nabraska someday. And that it would be a special Brother-Sister camping trip.

Before Mike could continue to find joy looking back at that sweet memory, the metal door to the basement opened. And in walked William.


"Never imagined you to be the daydreaming type." William commented.

"Shut up." Mike said.

"You need to learn how to be more kind." William stated.

"Not to you." Mike had said.

"Eventually you will show respect towards me. My daughter should be back soon, so I don't have much time to show you some manners." William said.

Mike stood up.

"Then leave." Mike said.

"I didn't say I had no time, now did I?" William said.

Once again, William had left the door open. It was no or never.

Instead of running straight to the door, Mike ran straight to William, punching him in the face with his good arm and knocking the man back. Mike ran through the door, and tried running up the stairs.

But Willima got a hold of his leg, and pulled, causing Mike to fall and hit his head on the stairs. But Mike wasn't going to give up just yet. Mike turned around, and pulled his leg out of Williams grasp.

Mike got up, but before he could turn around and climb up the stairs, William shoved him, causing Mike to once again fall.

Before letting Mike react, William quickly dragged him through the door, and before Mike could get up again. William closed the door in place.

"You take the bait, every time. It's quite hilarious." William said.

Mike got up, and ran towards William again, but this time William was ready. He punched Mike, then shoved him to the wall, grabbing his hair and slamming his face into the wall.

Mike fell to the floor, he was still awake. Glaring at William through dazed eyes. William kneeled down in front of him, Mike's head was bleeding. William wiped some of the blood off of Mike's face. Getting a good look at him. How pathetic.

"You are never getting out of here, and come tomorrow, you will be punished." William said. Before standing up.

"Isn't this punishment enough?" Mike asked.

"Hardly." William said, opening the door and leaving. Locking it behind him.

If this wasn't the worst that Mike would receive, then he needed to be ready for tomorrow. Mike had a feeling that it was going to be bad, but no matter how bad it is, he's not going to play along, he won't be a good boy to William.


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