Where Are You?

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William didn't expect to punish Mike in such a major way so soon, but it happened. And he enjoyed it.

WIlliam will admit, Mike is a stubborn little guy, but he managed to make him comply with his demand. Getting him to say sorry.

If William was able to make this much progress in only the second day, then he couldn't wait to see what happened next. WIlliam found it fun causing Mike physical pain, he was excited to see what he'll do next.

All his excitement could wait for now, he needed to get to work. He had a few appointments today to counsel some people who needed jobs, so that's what he was going to do.

While driving to work, he noticed two figures walking along the sidewalk. A young adult female, and a little girl. The little girl was carrying a picture.

William stopped next to where they were walking, and rolled down his window. 

"Are you two lady's doing alright?" WIlliam asked, more out of curiosity than actual care.

"I'm looking for my brother." the little girl said.

"You are? Why's that?" William asked.

"He went missing, and we're trying to find him. Have you seen him?" The child asked, coming closer to the window and handing William a photograph.

William was surprised to see that it was Mike.

"Is he your dad?" WIlliam asked.

"My brother." She corrected. WIlliam handed her back the photo.

"Sorry sweetheart, I haven't seen him. But if I do, I'll tell him you're looking for him. What's your name?" William asked.

"Abby." she answered.

"That's a nice name, how about you?" William asked, referring to the young woman beside her.

"Max." the young woman answered.

"You have a telephone number? If I see anything, I can contact you." William asked. Max nodded her head, and told him her number.

"Well, I hope you find your brother." WIlliam said, before giving a wave goodbye and driving off.

William had just learned the name of the one precious to Mike. WIlliam would have a fun time using it against him.


When William got to the office, he got his appointments done with no problem. After finishing with all his clients for the day, he went to file their paperwork away. When doing so, William came across Mike's file. He pulled out and looked at the picture in it.

William didn't know why he did it, he had the real deal at home. But he couldn't help but admire the young man in the picture. Despite his tired pitiful look, William couldn't help but find him quite handsome. His facial structure, his hair, his body.

Then William thought of how Mike looked down in the basement, covered in his own beautiful blood. Looking almost irresistible, William felt lucky to have such eye candy in his own home, his basement, to do whatever he wished with the young man who loved his sister dearly.

That's another thing William found attractive about Mike, his willingness to protect. He read his file, he knew what he did and why he did it. He had a strong spirit that William couldn't wait to break.

He knew Vanessa wouldn't like it, but if William found cause, Mike's punishments would be consistent of more than just causing simple injuries. He couldn't do anything with Mike now, especially not with those beautiful fresh scars on his back.

Book 1: I Always Come Back, I Promise (Five Nights At Freddy's Movie Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें