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Jeff and Max were far from happy, letting Abby go back home to her disgusting aunt, so they hoped they could find Mike before anything much worse could happen to that little girl.

"I'm worried about her." Max said.

"Same here, we'll visit Steve Raglan's place of work tomorrow." Jeff said.

"What will we do? Walk into his office asking whether he was the one who kidnapped Mike or not?" Max asked.

"Something like that." Jeff said.

"Do we need the rest of the gang?" Max asked.

"I don't think so, they should be busy anyways." Jeff said. Max nodded in understanding.

"What if he is the one who took Mike, what will we do then?" Max asked.

"We'll ask where he's keeping Mike, then beat him if he refuses, like we're not doing that anyways." Jeff said.

They paid for the check and left, upon going home and heading to bed, Max had trouble sleeping.

Despite the horrible implications of it, she hoped Abby was right. The sooner they talk to this Steve Raglan the sooner they'll find Mike, and then she can apologize for what she did. 


After regretfully dropping off Abby, Vanessa drove home. She entered her house, seeing her father sitting in the living room, recently showered.

"What happened?" William asked, asking about what the station needed.

"A child ran away from home, I found her so everythings fine." Vanessa answered.

"That's good, leftovers are in the fridge." William said. Vanessa walked over to the fridge and took out some food to nuke in the microwave,

"Did he eat?" Vanessa asked, referring to Mike

"No, I don't think he's in the mood to eat right now." WIlliam answered.

"I can check." Vanessa said.

"About that." William said, turning to look at Vanessa.

"I don't want you seeing Mike anymore." William said.

"Why not, won't I need to feed him?" Vanessa asked.

"I got that handled." WIlliam replied.

"What if he gets new injuries that needs fixing up?" Vanessa asked.

"He won't be getting those types of injuries anymore." William stated.

Vanessa was confused, William could see this.

"I finally got through to Mike, he serves another purpose for me now." William said.

"I don't understand, what do you mean 'got through to him?'" Vanessa said.

"He finally accepted his role, he knows where he stands with me. He's more than fine with it in exchange for his sister's safety." William said.

"You used his sister against him?" Vanessa asked.

"Along with the other children's safety, he'll gladly let me do anything to him as long as I don't hurt the ones he deems innocent." William said.

Vanessa felt sick. She didn't know what brokeen Mike, but she knew it must have been bad if it broke his fighting spirit.

Or maybe it appealed to his fighting spirit, his nature to protect. Her father said that Mike had stopped resisting in return that his sister, and the lives of other children were not put into harm's way.

Book 1: I Always Come Back, I Promise (Five Nights At Freddy's Movie Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora