Waking Up

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Max and Jeff brought Mike into the hospital, upon seeing the injuries that his clothes weren't covering, and the fact that he was a missing person, they instantly checked him in.

Mike seemed confused the entire time, it was obvious he didn't know what was going on, and he refused to speak, not answering any of the questions that the doctors asked.

Max and Jeff were worried, they didn't know what had happened to Mike, and the doctors were having a hard time assessing his injuries without Mike freaking out to any forms of touch.

The doctors sedated him, to make things easier to assess the injuries without further adding onto the trauma.

Mike had no one on his emergency contact, the only ones now responsible for Mike were Max and Jeff. So after a few hours passed after checking Mike into the hospital, A doctor went to where Jeff and Max were waiting in the waiting room.

Max and Jeff both stood up when they saw him. Both were scared of the news they were about to hear.

"Mike has suffered from numerous injuries, it is clear he has been beaten, due to the numerous bruises and fractured bones in his body. Both his arm and leg are broken, and he has a moderate concussion." The doctor explained.

The doctor took a second to let Max and Jeff process, for this wasn't the end of his list of injuries, Jeff and Max knew this. Jeff nodded for the doctor to continue.

"There are severe deep cuts on his other arm, and belt slashes on his back. It's a miracle they hadn't gotten infected." The doctor continued.

Jeff knew he was downplaying the more physical injuries, he had seen the dried blood on the basement floor. Jeff was sure Mike's arm and back looked mangled.

"Is that all?" Max asked, Jeff could tell his sister was feeling sick by what she was hearing.

The doctor shook his head no.

"He is very dehydrated, and slightly malnourished." The doctor answered. Jeff could tell that there was more the doctor needed to say, but he was beating around the bush.

They both waited patiently, unlike Max and Jeff, this doctor had seen the worst of Mike's injuries, they understood this, so they gave him some time.

"Not only did he sustain physical injuries, he was also." The doctor paused. Taking a deep breath, he looked disturbed.

"He had been sexually assaulted." The doctor finished. Jeff and Max were both horrified to hear this, it was already bad enough seeing him down in that basement with such horrible injuries, but also knowing that he was dealing with other forms of pain as well.

Max couldn't help but cry. Jeff tried comforting his sister, feeling equally as disturbed. The doctor felt great sympathy.

"I'm so sorry." The doctor said.

"Can we, can we visit him?" Max asked, through her sobs.

"He's sleeping right now, but sure." The doctor said, leading the two to Mike's room.

Mike was wearing hospital clothes, a thin white pants and shirt. He was laying on his back, and his eyes were closed.

Max had hoped Mike would find some comfort in sleep, but seeing his expression, that wasn't the case.

"The sedatives are wearing off, he should be more aware the next time he wakes up." The doctor said.

Max and Jeff both sat in a chair at Mike's side. They were later told that they would be interrogated by the police in the morning.

Book 1: I Always Come Back, I Promise (Five Nights At Freddy's Movie Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now