Never Ending Cycle

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Abby was thankful to be given a second chance to re-enter the dream. Despite her teacher calling dream theory bogus, it worked.

Miked visited her in the tent, then welcomed Max into the house, telling her the information Abby needed to know.

Abby walked closer to the both of them.

"Getting a job interview?" Max asked.

"Almost, I'm visiting a career counselor to help me find a job." Mike replied.

"You think this guy can actually help?" Max asked.

"Hopefully, I heard this specific counselor doesn't discriminate against people with bad track records, but it will still be difficult to find a job." Mike said.

"Who's the guy?" Max asked.

"Steve Raglan is his name." Mike replied.

"Well, I hope he's able to help." Max said.

"Thanks." Mike said.

The dream was so vivid, as if Abby was actually there. Abby wanted to hug Mike, but knew she sadly couldn't. But that was ok, she had a name, a name that could lead her right to her brother.

Once again, Abby woke up. She felt hotter than before, stuck in the stuffy room, and her tummy started hurting, she was really hungry.

Abby pounded on the door again, hoping to get a response, there was none. Abby screamed to be let out, but was met with the same outcome.

This sucked. It felt like hours had passed before the closet door was finally opened. Her aunt was wearing different clothes then before, she looked abby.

"Did you learn your lesson?" Jane asked. Abby quickly pushed past her aunt. And ran to the front door, running out with no second thought. It was almost past sunset, had she spent all night and day in that closet.

She continued running, she had a name, she needed to find this Steve Raglan.

After a few minutes of running aimlessly Abby had realized her mistake. She didn't know where Steve Raglan lived, and she didn't know where his office was. She was just so anxious to get out of that closet and find her brother that she didn't even stop and thank.

She couldn't do this on her own, she was only ten, she needed help. Maybe she could call 911 and ask for Vanessa, but that would mean she would have to go back to her aunt, and she didn't want that.

So Abby decided that she would walk along the road, maybe she would find a town and ask to borrow some coins for a pay phone. And maybe borrow a stool to reach the dials.

She continued to walk along the road until a car stopped next to her.

She didn't recognize the man in the driver's seat, but she recognized the person in the passenger seat, it was Max.

"Hey sweetheart, what are you doing out here?" the man asked.

"Abby?" Max asked, getting out of the car and walking over to Abby.

Max noticed the bruise on Abby's face, and her disheveled look.

"What happened, why are you out here by yourself?" Max asked with great worry.

"I need to find my brother." Abby answered.

"We are too, but what happened?" Max asked, referring to Abby's physical appearance. Abby looked down at herself.

"My Aunt hit me, and locked me in the closet." Abby said.

"She did what?" Jeff spoke up, Max also looked surprised.

Book 1: I Always Come Back, I Promise (Five Nights At Freddy's Movie Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora