Bad Girl

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After two days, William had returned to see Mike.

Mike was glaring at William, anticipating what he would do next.

"Did you miss me?" William asked. Mike didn't respond.

"No need to be like that, because I missed you. Has Vanessa been treating you well while I was gone?" William asked. Mike nodded his head.

"Have you been treating her well? Not disrespecting her and such." William said.

"No." Mike said, finally speaking.

"Good." William replied. He glanced at both of his arms, from what Vanessa had told him, the wounds on his arm were healing up well, the same with his back.

Vanessa said that daily proper care would help heal up the wounds faster, William wasn't sure if that was just an excuse to see Mike more than once a day. But he didn't question it, despite her faltering loyalties, he still trusted her.

"How is your back?" William asked, walking closer to Mike.

"It still hurts." Mike stated.

"But it doesn't bleed anymore when agitated or touched, right?" William asked. Mike was looking at William with suspicion.

"No, it doesn't." Mike answered.

"That's good to hear." William said, sitting down in front of Mike. it was a vulnerable place to be, but William knew Mike wasn't strong enough to try to fight him.

Mike scooted away from William, wincing while doing so.

William looked at Mike closely, analyzing the features of his face, his hair, and his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Mike asked. Worry present in his voice.

"I just can't help but notice how similar you looked to Garret, or should I say, how similar Garret looked to you." William stated. Mike's frown deepened.

"Out of all the kids I killed before, he was in my care the longest, obviously, the drive here from Nebraska was a very long one, and I simply couldn't kill him on the drive home." William explained. Mike didn't respond.

"I thought the time spent together would get me attached to the kid, but surprisingly that wasn't the case. Killing him was as easy as killing a kid I've known for barely 5 minutes." William said.

"Why are you telling me this?" Mike asked, emotion clear in his voice.

"Don't you want to know what happened to your brother? You spent all this time looking for him, with hopes that he was alive." William said. Mike looked away from will.

"Despite looking so similar to you, he acted nothing like you at all. He was not a fighter, he went down easily, far too easily. It's not really fun when they don't put up a fight." William said.

"Shut up." Mike said.

"Unlike you, who doesn't go down without a fight. You have too much fire in you, maybe that is what's attracting me to you, despite how annoying it can be. I love that fire, but I prefer you to be more submissive." William continued.

"You really love to hear yourself talk." Mike said.

"Garret was a pitiful child who was a bore to kill, he was not worth the long drive." William stated. He could see the quick change in Mike's demeanor. This caused William to smile.

"It was even more pitiful hearing him cry before ultimately dying. Do you know what he kept saying before I plunged a knife into his chest? 'Mike help me, help me Mike, please save me.' over and over and over again. I killed him not out of enjoyment, but to shut him up." William said.

Book 1: I Always Come Back, I Promise (Five Nights At Freddy's Movie Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now