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Beep! Beep!

I dashed across the street quickly. Late late late... ugh how did I lose track of time...

A few hours prior

I was running through the trees. Every now and then I could hear Rowan's screech above the trees directing me.

A Valg was spotted in the forest behind your house. Eclipse notified you whenever she sensed the threat and both you and Rowan sprang into action.

We take him alive... That was what you and Rowan agreed on. With the power you possessed, sorting through his memory to gain information shouldn't be too hard.

Now... where is it... I scanned the trees as I ran by. Rowan screeched above and I changed course. I smelled it before actually seeing the rotting body. I raised my arm and shot a flare into the sky, notifying Rowan of my location.

This got the Valg's attention.

"Well... well..." It said in a raspy voice. "You certainly took you time finding me..."

"And I thought most of you were mute..." I slowly approached it. Sending more and more wind to encircle the monster.

"Your measly winds won't be able to hold me..."

"Oh I don't need you still. Just for you to be less stinky..." I took out a vial of clear liquid and threw it at him.

The bottle shattered and the liquid was quickly swept up by the wind. I waited a few more seconds before sniffing the air again.

"Much better!" I grinned sweetly. "You so much as move a muscle and I'll burn you to ash.."

The Valg just stood there unsure of whether the threat was real or fake. It decided to take its chances and moved to attack me. I sighed and swiftly dodged. It was nothing but ash by the time I turned around.

"You killed it?" Rowan asked when he found you and shifted back. "I thought we were to refrain from killing it?"

"Nebula thought of a better solution..." I exhaled and finally shivered a little at the current temperature. Rowan sighed but handed me his coat. I happily took it and started gathering some of the ash. The plan was for Nebula to absorb some of the ash and somehow this'll allow her to access the memories. I really hope this works...

I nodded to her. The next few hours were just spent waiting and jotting down important pieces of information that got uncovered but eventually, I lost track of time.

Back to the present

I could see the school now. There was no way I was going to be late, not this early on in the school year. The bell was going to ring any minute now.

"Elainaaa! Wait up!!" I heard a familiar voice call out from behind me.

"Better Run Faster Valt!" I yelled and picked up my pace.

We ran past the gate at around the same time, successfully making it to school a few minutes before classes started.

"And he's in the safe zone!" Valt cheered.

I exhaled a breath of relief and helped him off the ground, dusting off some of the dirt he got on his jacket. "We cut it really close, Valt..."

"A little early in the day to be embarrassing yourself.." Honcho walked over, grinning. I dipped my head in greeting, slightly embarrassed that I was almost late today.

"Traffic was terrible, I almost thought I wouldn't make it.." Valt chipped back.

"Well, we got lucky and made it here.." I mumbled out. Patting my bag to make sure nothing fell out while I was running here.

A Weird Beyblade Journey (Oc x Shu Kurenai)Where stories live. Discover now