Free write friday

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It was my friend A's birthday, I think she was turning 12 at the time. We all went to this asian restaurant, I think it was Japanese but I'm not sure. A was in the middle with J on the right and Ollie on the left. A's drink was an alcohol free remake and I had just made a joke about Adrinking alcohol too young. O started laughing while J still couldn't figure out what to order. J took about 20 minutes to decide what he wanted while I had immediately chosen what I wanted, which was a california sushi roll. A had ordered some form of seafood like fish or something and O struggled with ordering from the vegetarian menu.

The alcohol jokes continued for the rest of the dinner which lasted about 3 hours. Since it was a different style restaurant the table was 2 ft off the floor with a pit below it. Below the table there were holes beneath to allow more leg room. O was too scared to put his feet below the table and I ended up taking a picture of what was under the table. We all collectively agreed it was kind of creepy and didn't want to put our feet down there. There were cobwebs and you could see the inner walls framing.

After all the jokes and taking pictures of the table we finally got our food, I ended up ordering a plate of rice which I thought was for one person but turns out it was for the whole table, so everyone got some rice with their food. After the dinner we went to an escape room and a convenience store. We couldn't figure out the escape room and got some sweet treats at the store to make up for it. We all got slushies with candy. We drank the slushies in the car as we were dropping everyone off. Dropping everyone off took about an hour because O lives an hour away

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