Another short story

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I could feel the grass beneath my feet, the wind blowing past me in the early morning. It was peaceful, too peaceful for the situation at hand. The kingdom was facing a dilemma it had not faced in centuries. It was being threatened with war. If we made one wrong move, we would be wiped out within the week.

War seemed like such a small word for something with such a big impact. I realised how light out it had gotten and decided to rush home. With such little time to prepare for war there was no time for reminiscing about the feeling of grass and wind.

As I ran through the pebble streets back home I could see shopkeepers and customers talking about the inflation prices of goods. There was no time for chitchat, they should be preparing, we could be attacked at any moment.

War was not worrying for the people, in fact with the king and guards worrying about an attack, contraband was easier to sneak into the kingdom. There were already enough problems within the kingdom without hooligans running around with under the counter weapons and medications. It's not hard to outfox the guards but I expected more security with banned items.

Manpower wasn't as big of an issue as it used to be, yet if we were to go to war we would be outnumbered ten to one. I've seen too many wipeouts during the new recruits training. They were going to have to progress even faster if we wanted even a chance at winning the war.

During the preparations there have been many outlandish claims, such as rumours that the king had been assassinated and that we were being set up to lose a war. I don't believe any of those claims myself, it's all gibberish anyways. I've spent enough time eavesdropping on the king and his right hand man to know that none of the rumours are remotely true.

The dimwitted people of this kingdom must realise that war is no joke. If they are not ready to fight, they will lose everything they have ever worked for and loved. I'm not much of a religious person but I pray that we will be prepared for when the time finally comes to defend our kingdom.

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