Chapter 4

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I did have to ask Menchi if there were any potatoes in the houses Kitchen, but it turned out great. I also wanted to help Lumi, but we already got rude glares so I'll just wait a little longer. Buhara was the one who ended the second phase, claiming to be full. "So, no one but these six pass to the next phase." Shi- "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"


"Nobody passed?" Someone though aloud from the group

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"Nobody passed?" Someone though aloud from the group. Other whispers of disbelief followed. We heard a crash and looked over to see Todo has smash his cooking counter. "This is unacceptable. DO YOU HEAR ME?! I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS!" Then a full blown argument started between Menchi and Todo. Hanzo butted in, and Menchi threatened him. This might get ugly. Just when Todo went to attack her, Buhara punched him and he flew to the tower next to the gate.

"Let's get this straight. We frequently venture into the sense of ferocious beasts in search of the finest ingredients, and every hunter is proficient in at least some form of martial arts." She began to juggle the knives with her eyes closed, impressive. "You lack focus and the will to experiment with new things, and that alone disqualifies most of you from being hunters"

Hisoka had a card ready, I was really hoping things would settle themselves. How am I supposed to stop him? From above a voice rings out "Well, that said, it seems a bit excessive to fail almost every single applicant." An airship came into view, it has the hunter association symbol on it.

SOMEONE FREAKING JUMPED OUT?! Hisoka, being next to me, shielded me in case of attack. Hmph, I guess he does care. I got my gun ready, and put my over hand on the hilt of my hidden dagger. The dust cleared to show... An old man?

Menchi seemed to know him, and explained he is the head of the exam committee. I lowered my gun and relaxed. She then introduced him to us. After a lot of talking they decided on a new task for the second phase. Making boiled eggs.

We then headed to split mountain, and stopped next to the spilt. They began to explain the weird webbed in eggs were spider eagle eggs, and that spider eagles build their webs in deep ravines like the one in front of us to protect their eggs from predators. "The eggs are commonly known as dream eggs." The chairmen said. "Hey, wait a minute. Do you mean?" Todo was cut off.

"You bet I do." Menchi jumped down into the ravine. Why are all the hot chicks crazy man? I just hope she's okay. I walked up next to the split, deciding to get a look. Menchi hung from one of the webs, seemingly waiting for something. I saw some of her hair move. She let go and grabbed an egg while falling.

Then, after she got just past the fog, she was blown up and out of the ravine. "This ravine has updrafts that are crucial to the spider eagles. Once they hatch, the wind currents help guide their newborn chicks as the fly up to safety." Netero explained.

"There, now I just need to boil it, and I'll be set." Menchi said. Everyone started jumping down after Gon. Guess I'll try it too, it's not like I'll die anyway. Archangel Zaphkiel would be furious if fate tried to take me now, I should get away in the nick of time of something happens.

Someone jumped without airflow, well they're dead. "What are we waiting for?" Mr. Oreo said. "Hold on! Don't let go yet." Gon said. Yeah I trust him. Leorio questioned him, but Pik explained for Gon.

When Gon seemed to know what he was doing everyone looked at him. I saw a cut guy I never realized before, applicant 53. Pale orange hair and brown eyes, he had a sling full of arrows on his back. He is now my child, he's too cute and innocent looking to not be.

The web started to give out. Guess it's time for a prayer. "Dear Archangel Zaphkiel, please save me from the possible death I am about to face. My offering cannot be done at the moment, but I shall give you what is needed once I am able to." I prayed. Killua, whom decided to follow my lord a few years ago, joined in on the prayer and finished the verse.

"It is not our time to pass quite yet, you, my lord, would know that yourself." The web slowed it's straining, but continued still as Killua finished with "Please give us a way out if you can." Just as the web was about to snap, Gon yelled out "OKAY, NOW!!" I whisper a thank you to my lord, Killua following just after.

As we all let go and grabbed our eggs the current picked up. We were safe. Some people quit, but afterward we tried the eggs. They were delicious. Gon shared his egg with Todo, and Todo finally respected Menchi.

After that fiasco, we were allowed to take the airship to the next phase. My time to meet Illumi. After finishing my dinner, I found the lady's room and changed into my sleep wear. (Outfit in picture above) Now time to find Hisoka, so we can hopefully find Illumi.

After around 15 minutes of searching, I found Hisoka. He was just knocking down a stack of cards in the dining room, when the joker fell on top he laughed sadistically. "Hey, Mr. Creepy!" "Hm? Already here?" Of course he knew I'd be here. "Do you know where person(Illumi)is?"

Hisoka stood, and walked towards the door. "Last time I saw him, he told me he would pick a room for us. He even said that if you knew about him being here that it was fine for you to come and see him." Good to know. "Do you know which dorm?" I asked.

"No, but HE did say he'd pick a dorm away from people." So he'll be taking off his disguise. "Alright, lead the way." I said happily. As we were walking, I saw out of the corner of my eye that down the hall Kill and green bean we're talking with the chairman. They'll be fine.

After a few minutes of walking, we came across a silent hallway. "Wanna check this one Hisoka?" "Sure, it is a good distance away from people anyway." We checked the first room, nothing. The same could be said for the second and third. However, as soon as we knocked on the fourth door it opened to reveal a tall man with a blue mohawk and gold pins.

I knew those pins anywhere. The man I'm pretty sure is Illumi moved out of the way, and let us walk in. After closing the door, He removed the pins and in front of me now is my fiance I have been waiting to meet. "Hello darlings, glad you found the room."

"Lumi! how have you been?" I said as I hugged him. "I've been fine, I'm rather happy I got the chance to see you." Seems he got pissed off while I was gone. "Hey, don't forget about me." Hisoka reminded us of his presence. I gave him the middle finger, but let go of illu anyway.

Hisoka and Illumi may be together, but they aren't very touchy in public. In fact, when with those they trust, they actually cuddle a lot.

A/n: If you didn't read about Kurumi's sexuality or her relationships, then you might be confused. Please check the chapter labeled Kurumi Jikan to understand the complicated relationships. If you are still confused, you may ask me via comments.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter<3

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