Episode 4

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After I had my fill earlier that evening, I returned to the bar. I left my shirt buttoned open as I approached Ira, before I ordered myself a cocktail.

"You look a lot better than when you first walked in here," said Ira, wiping some glasses clean.

I rubbed the back of my neck. I did take a quick shower before I came downstairs. I never liked being too sweaty outside of the bedroom.

"I had a nice time," I said. "It took my mind of things for a while." I looked around noticed how the club was less crowded than usual. "Is there something happening here? Usually this place is overcrowded."

"Oh, we're expecting some important visitors. The club closed earlier for commoners and only the VIPs are allowed to enter."

"I see..." I sighed and drank my cocktail.

Out of curiosity I asked her. "Who exactly are these special guests?"

"They should be here any minute now..." she trailed off, looking towards the entrance side.

I also turned my head back and saw the bouncers making way and soon three men walked inside. They were three tall men and then one taking the lead was tall and bulky, dressed in a navy dress shirt and black pants.

All three of them were formally dressed and even I could feel the mere intensity of their presence. They were powerful, they looked powerful. They looked like humans, but I could tell that they weren't humans.

These were incubi and very strong incubi.

The one taking the lead looked towards my direction. I reverted my gaze and continued drinking my cocktail. So what if they walked in? It wasn't any of my business.

"If you would excuse me," Ira took off her apron and went to attend to the club's new guests. I assumed she was taking the role as their hostess.

While she was tending to them, I pulled out my phone checking for any important emails or something to keep me occupied while I was waiting. Ira was the only one who kept me in good company when I came here.

I stared at the screen of my phone and even after the screen went blank, I kept staring at it.

It was starting to feel like someone was standing behind me.

So, just as I turned around, the one in the navy blue shirt was standing right behind me looking over me.

Almost startled, I shifted away and glared at him. "Can I help you?" I asked him and saw that the two of his friends already got them a spot at a booth and there was no sign of Ira.

"What's your name?" He asked me, resting his elbow on the counter and leaning against it. "My name's Cody and I must say, I've never met a hunk this good-looking."

Was he flirting with me?

Well, this one had some nerve. I was warned that incubi weren't the same as succubi and that they influenced those around them on a far larger scale than females did. I kept my guard up, all the while feeling disgusted by all this.

Living in a home like mine, I was raised and groomed against any sexual relationship between one man and another man. I was homophobic and had no shame in hiding it. It was all I knew at that time and him flirting with me like that not only made me feel threatened or alarmed for some reason, but also angry.

It felt like he was also trying to take advantage of me.

"Get lost!" I snapped at him and finished my drink.

I was clever enough not to smash his face with this cocktail glass, I still valued my life and he didn't seem like the kind of guy I wanted to piss off.

"Feisty." He smiled and literally checked me out.

"Gentlemen?" Ira finally appeared. "Is there a problem here?"

I turned to her. "Tell your guest over here that I am not interested."

Her eyes widened at me. "Uhm... Mr Cody, I'm so sorry about this." Was she picking his side? "Danny how about I get you another—"

"No need to," I cut her off before she finished. "I'll be taking my leave. I'll see you tomorrow." I pulled out some cash out of my wallet and left it tucked under the glass before standing up.

The incubus grabbed my arm and when I wanted to jerk it away, his hold tightened. He had unimaginable strength. He could snap my arm like a twig if he wanted to.

"I came here for a nice time," he said. "And I want this one."

"Mr Cody, I really don't think that's a good idea. He told he's—"

"Not interested, I heard the guy!" He rolled his eyes out of annoyance. "But I can assure you, that we...I mean, I can make it worth your while."

I gritted my teeth. "Get your hand of me or I'm calling security!"

"Oh really?" His smile was filled with arrogance. He stepped closer and came so close his breath brushed pass my earlobe. "I would like to see them try take me on! In fact, I could fuck you right here and now and nobody in here can do shit about it!"

"Yeah, right!" I scoffed.

If only I knew how much I was going to regret that. The bouncers already looked our way and began rounding up around us. Suddenly all of them got knocked to the ground by some invisible force.

When I looked again, it wasn't an invisible force. It was his two friends two friends that moved so fast, it was impossible for my eyes to see.

"I warned you, didn't I?" He said and tore open my shirt, smacking my chest hard with his hand making me gasp. "I hope you know what comes next..."

And so my whole night suddenly changed.

I looked at him, gulping as my throat felt dry. I had no idea what situation I just landed myself into.

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