Chapter 8

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The memories of the events the previous evening were still raw in my mind. As usual when I wanted to distract myself from thinking, I buried myself under dozens of work.

I received another text from my mom, asking me if I was joining them for dinner which I happily declined. Normally I would've gone to Club Redlight, because it used to be my safe zone, but not anymore. Not now that there was three incubi wanting to fuck me.

One already had me and I wasn't going to let the two other fuck me too. I was probably already number one slut of this month after last night's performance. That damn Ira, I was so not going to forgive her for this!

The day was about to go over. Most of my employees were already knocking off the day. All that was left was my PA Sandra, who came in to check if I needed anything.

"Mr Shergill, I emailed you tomorrow's appointments just like you asked me to," she said as if she I hadn't had a chance to look at my emails yet, because whenever I was busy with work I made sure to cut off all distractions. That included my cellphone.

Sandra could be pretty useful. It took me about fifty interviews before I finally hired her as my new assistant and never once had she disappointed me.

Since the beginning of today I kept thinking about last night. No, working didn't help because with every second I paused or blinked my eyes, I saw him. I saw that body, that cock and even smelled it. I just couldn't get it out of my head.

Sandra was waiting as if she needed to receive another order from me, so I stood up. I left my jacket draped around the chair and walked around the desk.

"Close the door, come in," I said.

She came in and looked nervous when she saw me stalking towards her. She probably thought I was about to get her fired, but I had something different in mind. I did one thing I knew every women on this planet dreamt is seeing me do.

I unbuckled my belt, and dropped my pants on the floor.

"Go on your knees. Suck my cock."

Sandra's eyes widened in shock, as if I just told her to do a very shameful thing. One that would get me to lose my entire career and send me for years in jail. She was married too, or engaged, I saw the ring on her finger.

But right now my cock was hard as rock and I knew one look was enough for her to want it.

Good it was still hard, that meant I still had it in me.

"On your knees," I said again with a deeper tone of voice, beginning to grow impatient.

Sandra knew I hated waiting so did just as I said, she went on her knees and like a good little pet that wanted my cock so badly, she opened her mouth.

He held the base of my cock and slapped it against both sides of her face wanting to defile and abuse her in every way possible. I wanted her to walk out of my office limping on her two legs.

This was me, the real me. I wasn't going to let any asshat demon change that!

There was no need for a warm up, I grabbed her by her neat ponytail, and dragged her to my i desk. I used one arm to sweep the table clean, not caring about the papers and files that fell to the floor. I didn't care, because she will make me new copies of this in anyway.

I bent her over, letting her see the view over the city that never sleeps in the night and pulled up her skirt before I rubbed my dick against her pussy, massaging it through her panties.

"Mr Dani!" She moaned. "I dreamt of this for so long."

"Aren't you supposed to be married?" I rose an eyebrow, not hiding the fact that I found all this entertaining. I loved this.

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