Chapter 15

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"I see you've been doing well," said Aleena while I was walking her out.

I pretended that I was not losing my mind right now. She had the nerve to come here, the cheek. I made it very clear to her that I wasn't interested in having a conversation with her by keeping quiet. The three demons also went MIA. They obviously didn't like her. I didn't even tell them who she was or what she did to me.

We stopped somewhere in the parking lot. My car was waiting and I was trying to shake her off so she could leave my building. I still felt like there was motive for her being here.

"So, what brings you here to my office?" I asked her again, this time no one was here so I didn't hesitate sharpening and hardening my tone. "We are done you and I. This place isn't for whores like you."

"Geez, are the insults necessary!" Aleena scowled folding her arms and I didn't answer her, again. "Anyway, I just came over to see you. After all, you and my dad are business partners." Unfortunately. 

I knew this woman like the palm of my hand. Her coming here meant that she wanted something and had some motive. She was a gold digger and an opportunist. I always noticed her gold digging tendencies after we got married but never thought too much about it. She was the daughter of a billionaire for crying out loud. Every daughter of a billionaire was a gold digger. 

But ever since the divorce my eyes got opened. I should've listened when my mother warned me about her. 

"If you don't have anything to say, then leave. I have important things to do." I reached for my car keys and ended the conversation right then and there. 

I got in the car pissed off as hell, just wanting to get away from there, not before I locked eyes with her again and gritted my teeth. 

"See you around, Dani."


I put the car into ignition and then pulled out before I stepped on the paddle and began driving. As soon as I left the building, Scouts appeared on the front passenger seat and then the other two on the backseats.

"Have you three been here the whole time?" I asked them, knowing that they used the same spell on me they used to make them invisible to other people.

"Actually, no...We..." Scouts glanced back at the other two. "Had a quick meeting."

"A meeting, huh?" I kept my eyes on the road and looked around for the nearest coffee joint also the most classiest one. I was a man with class after all. 

My eyes locked on a vehicle I saw through one of the side mirrors. It was Aleena who also just came out of my of my office building before driving past me. My knuckled turned white from how hard I grasped onto the wheel. 

"Who is she?" Scout asked me. 

"My ex."

"Your ex?"

"It ended after I walked in on her and some random guy," I said bitterly before turning left and then right. I rolled down the window on my side because I needed the air. 


Moments after sharing my history with Aleena with them, the waitress came with our orders. I ordered a coffee and dark chocolate cake. The woman looked at me and was all flustered which I found odd. These three were beasts and looked far more appealing than I did. Why was so many people staring at me?

"Are you over her?" Scout asked. 

I looked at him as I stabbed my fork into the cake, breaking off a piece for myself. "Of course I am. Why ask? I thought don't make you jealous."

"I'm not asking because I'm jealous," he growled before drinking from his massive jar of coffee. He slammed it down and then slid a hand between my legs grabbing my crotch and squeezing hard. "I am asking because for someone who is over her, you surely don't like it. Don't worry I know you feel nothing for her because you have us, but I do see what's the real problem here."

I tried my hardest to keep a straight face. "What are you on about?"

"You're angry because she cheated on you and made you not feel good enough. Is that why you spent evenings at the sex demon club? Because you enjoyed the attention the women there gave you?"

I shifted on my seat but that only made Scout squeeze harder. I didn't know why but every time he found ways to turn me into his prey and exploit me. I couldn't help but feel that he was partly right about his notion.

"Get your dirty hand off me Scout! We're in a damn coffee shop!"

"So what?" He pressed himself against me, his hot breath showering down my neck. "I'll take you right here if I want and there is nothing you can do about it."

I hissed and soon Troy was on my other side, joining Scout. His hand began rubbing me all over my body while Scout began to stroke me through my pants. 

"You should look yourself in the mirror, Dani," said Scout. "That woman lied. She didn't come to check in on you, she came because she wants you. You have no idea how beautiful you look. Not handsome, beautiful. Look around you!" he snatched my jaw and turned my face. I caught a couple of glances thrown at me. 

They were all looking at me?

"Looks like we have a problem," Troy said.

"Indeed," Scout agreed as he tore my trousers open. "A confident, rich and well-looking man such as yourself shouldn't ever look so insecure."

Sorry for not updating guys. I am dealing with some stuff. A few months back my mom passed away. April was her birthday month and this month is mother's day so it's really just hard. I promise I am not neglecting you guys, I am just dealing with this and sometimes it's hard to write. I promise I'll still update.

Deep HEAT!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt