Chapter 14

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I re-entered my office, fixing the collar of my shirt and shoving the door shut with my foot. I closed the zipper of my pants before getting behind the desk and firing up my laptop. Scouts, Troy and Jared reappeared. 

"I have work to do," I told them. "I'm going to need about four hours without distractions."

"Hear that boys?" Troy smirked and the other two grinned. "He wants us to leave him alone."

As much as I was enjoying having them around, I seriously needed to finish this workload. I still had a company to run, one which I was very proud of and would still want to see grow into my very own empire. 

"Yes, I do want you to leave me alone for four hours. Don't you guys have something else to do other than me?"

"No, we don't."

I guess being haunted by demons was something I needed to get used to and probably for the rest of my life now. Scout made it very clear that I was his and there was no way out of this for me. I wasn't used to change and never really liked change in my life, but this kind of change felt good. 

Once my laptop finished starting up, I typed in my password and then immediately checked my emails. Most of them didn't interest me and then there was one from my dad, inviting me over for dinner again. Sometimes having such a clingy family was a pain. I was finally starting to live my life. Last thing I needed was to stare at their faces around a table while they looked at me in pity. My mother already starting to bring up the topic for a new bride again.

No offence to my people, but it was the 21st century. This wasn't the dark ages where parents could decide for their children who they could marry. I made that very clear to my parents when I first got married and that wasn't going to change now.

I paged over to the next email and then looked over my laptop screen, seeing that the demons were still here.

"Seriously...I need to work."

"We're disturbing you, are we?" Troy teased, sitting on one of the wheeled chairs next to the book shelve, holding a book in his hand. 

"Nobody is stopping you from working, boy. If you think you can chase us out like the rest of your servants here, think again. Be lucky you even have chance to do your work, because I'd rather have you in my bedroom, strapped to a bed with Jared or Troy's cock inside your mouth."

That was Scout, who was standing right behind me. Jared was quietly staring at me too. I gulped, holding my hands above my keyboard as my palms became sweaty. It was hard to concentrate with the three of them still in the room. Their pheromones thick in the air, making my head almost foggy and dick really hard in my pants.

I loved sex as I was horny man myself. But the kind of horny I felt then, made hard to even think clearly. The last thing on my mind was work. 

"You're not going anywhere till you have your way, aren't you?" I said, knowing by now that they had every intension to distract me.

Troy hummed, tilting the pages of the book he was reading over. "Nope." 

These men were going to mean the end of me. "You win!" I accepted defeat and closed my laptop. "I'll be all yours for the rest of the day...but on one condition!" I said as soon as they began standing up from their positions, closing in on me.

At least they halted, so it meant that they were going to listen to me. "I am a man of class and as much as I enjoy sex, there's more to me than just a sex starved handsome hunk of a man. So we're going out to have lunch first."

"Lurnch? You're asking for a lot there, boy!" Troy commented.

"I know it's a lot for you incubi, but it's not that heavy." I stood up and grabbed my car keys jacket. "It's the least you can do for distracting me."

They looked at each other and seconds later, all three of them nodded yes. I then walked to the door after putting on my coat and opened the door. I was going to tell my PA that I'll be going out and cancel out any appointments I had later that day.

I walked to her office and just as I was about to reach it, someone walked out the same door. I froze when I saw who it was.


"Aleena..." I said her name and cleared my throat before I looked at the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you!" She smiled. 

"Who is she?" I heard Scout asking in my ear. He had a possessive growl and already began digging his fingers into my hips.

"My ex..." I grumbled, loud enough for him to hear.

"What was that?" asked Aleena.

I cleared my throat and looked over at her. I was caught off guard by this and now I wanted to know what the hell she was doing here. "What are you doing here?" I asked before glancing into the PA's office and then looking at her again.

"I just came to pop by and say hi."

I clenched my jaws before grabbing her arm and pulling her with me to the elevator. "Bitch! You have some nerve coming here!"

"What are you doing!?" She whisper-yelled. Several co-workers were looking at us and I didn't care whether I was making a scene.

This woman betrayed me and even though I was over the relationship we built, I wasn't over her betrayal. She had no place in this company.

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